Do you want to invest more than
$100,000 in startups?
Our managers will select the best, audited, investment projects, advise and help at every stage of your bargaining.
Order portfolioOur managers will select the best, audited, investment projects, advise and help at every stage of your bargaining.
Order portfolioAfter logging on to the platform, using the functionality of a personal page, You formulate which projects you are interested in: from what branches, on what stage, with what amount of investment and more.
You are assigned to a personal investment manager who will advise you on the available offers
Personal manager gives you an opportunity to invest first, in the best projects from closed data. Also you can receive the information from all the projects where you have your investment interest.
The "Electric Red Bull" - (a Stay Awake Watch)
Software and devices for telerehabilitation
B2b Saas Assets Management Solution for SME
Cloud tool for creatives to work and collaborate remotely
Information system for patients and health care providers
Certificate and badge automation tool
I always recommend the Startup Network platform. It really helps to run your project with minimal investment, no matter if you have a small business or a business aimed at conquering the global market. There’s enough of money for everyone! :)
Startup.Network is an excellent tool for attracting investments. I recommend this platform to all young entrepreneurs. For example, I posted my project here and scored some positive results!
Startup.Network is a very important milestone for our startup. You can even say - a turning point. Young projects simply need a service that helps build confidence in their idea, polishes it and brings it to the users.
If you wish to create an investment portfolio for 100 thousand dollars and more - you have found a tool for this. This page has everything you need to generate a complete set.
Managers are ready to advise the future investor on any issues that have arisen, pick appropriate projects for him, lead through the stipulated stages. The portfolio is formed in three steps.
Log into the site. Use the interface to specify restrictions in interests. Among the criteria by which investors select business projects (startups) are:
The functionality of the site allows you to immediately exclude those areas that you are not within your interest and are not suitable for some reason.
A specially designated employee and consultant for startups and startup investing will let you know available offers. Ask questions and find out which startups are best for you to invest according to your criteria and requests.
In the future, you will be able to contact your personal manager to make changes to an already defined investment portfolio, increase or decrease the total amount of invested funds, and so on.
A considerable advantage of communicating with a personal manager is the ability to invest in projects without limitations, including those that are not yet open to public. Thus, you will be in a favorable position in comparison to other site users.
Personalized offers exactly match the specified areas of interest, availability criteria and the required amount. Having created your own portfolio, you will be able to make a profit in the areas that are attractive to you, and at the same time provide support to startups that you consider worthwhile.