We create vaccine and therapies for Aging and Aging-related diseases via our AI platform to increase healthspan of humans to 150 years. Our therapies were safe & effective in 12 cancer types ex-vivo.
Current Status
We have raised $500K todate and we have pre-clinically validated 6 combination therapies (drugs) in 12 cancer types (17 sub types) ex-vivo. We are in the process of a $300K deal for validating our cancer vaccine in 12 cancers.
Problem or Opportunity
Our startup solves aging and aging related diseases.
Solution (product or service)
We find vaccines and therapies for aging related diseases starting with cancer via our AI platform.
Business model
Our business model allows partnering with pharma and generate joint revenue by finding new indications and novel combinations for approved drugs. This allows pharma companies to extend their market size and keep exclusivity of market for many more years. We might decide to sell our therapies and vaccines ourselves by running clinical trials and geting our drugs and therapies approved. We anticipate revenue generation after partnering with pharma or selling therapies.