Developed smart voice assistant to control everythig at home in Uzbek and kazakh languages. Our smart speaker can be powered by any AI model. In addtion, charged low price for smart lighthing 30$
Current Status
we have sold around 20 our cheap light controls, 30 dollars each, and took one big project in new built building which includes AI security cameras, lock doors, tv control, socket control, led and lightning controls, including pre sale to our Uzbek smart speaker.
Problem or Opportunity
We are solving daily routine problems at houses, like a saving electricity controlling all devices at home and offering new cheap smart speakers for Uzbek and Kazakh speakers, so they are allowed to speak with their home in native language. At this moment speaker is finishing beng developed.
Solution (product or service)
We used speech to text and text to speech uzbek versions and powered with AI, so when person says wakeword (it can be setted any word by client) it recognizes speech and translates to text, teext is sent to AI api then answer is translated into speech.
Business model
Our business is about selling comfort to people, so in order to satisfy clients requirements we can offer anything what client wishes like a Google and Yandex speakers, sensor monitors and etc.
We produce own smart speakers but in order to satisfy client requirements we can integrate any speaker or any other device.
We teach clients how to interact with smart home
We support client all time online or offline.
We guarantee 1 year for our service and devices.
Estimating price offline is totally free including discussion client needs.