We are a company aiming to disrupt the way passengers engage with mass transportation by increasing digital accessibility, AI and passenger services.
Current Status
TransiTool is at the pre seed phase and has two customers which are municipalities in Greece. Those serve as first adopters and pilot implementations. TransiTool aims to pilot in Romania (Oradea) and engage with Ferry hopper to convert their 900 agencies data to GTFS data. Currently we are booking events all over to present our idea however, we need funding to purchase a stand at each event and increase lead generation.
Problem or Opportunity
Passengers need seamless experience and looking for interoperability in modes of transport. They want to use scooters for short distances and mass transport for long distances. Agencies on the other hand need analytics and compliance tools for data engineering. They are solving pragmatic issues such as digital transformation. Yet, they are essentially logistics companies worrying about drivers, vehicles and maintenance. They need a data tool that minimizes costs.
Solution (product or service)
TransiTool is a holistic toolset for Mass Transit agencies (public transport, airlines, ferries, school buses and touristic buses) that covers all the data and compliance needs related with communicating to the passenger. Data such as scheduling, stops information, vehicles information, real-time data, crowdedness, are used in TransiTool (operator enters the data or collects them with TransiTool tools). The agency then selects where the data will be used such as in Google Maps, National Access Points, Journey Planning apps, telematics screens at stops, agency website.
Business model
TransiTool has a subscription based model. We offer services to small transport operators (TSPs) with 1-10 bus or other routes, medium TSPs with 10-40 routes and big operators 40-100 routes. We also offer custom plans as a lot of operators work with contracts (1-3 years contracts). Our plans are dynamics as we also charge per API calls and data needs. We estimate in 2024 that, we will achieve 25 contracts of 40.000 euros on average each per year by targeting mid sized operators in Europe and especially in the Balkans.
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Google for startups (Big Thing), Day One of Genesis Ventures, The Athens Business Startup Incubator