Mobile application where users can find the rated translators from everywhere and every time. Translators will be able to earn additional finance.
Current Status
Partly is developed for presentation, however will be rewrite some parts.
Problem or Opportunity
Our clients will be mostly the people who need live oral translation. Mostly we decide patients for clinics, hospitals in other countries where people usually need a translator for some hour(s). Using this app they will save a lot of money (in case when a translator is traveling with a patient). Also, insurance companies will be able to track the translator services and will start to cover it too. Translators can suggest better rates then clinics or other services, as they can earn additional finance. The translator service is growing day by day based on our investigations in world statistics. Also, we plan to have AI translations too, as well as translations for deaf and dumb people, when they needs to contact with someone.
Solution (product or service)
Via the mobile application anyone can search the translators based on some terms: languages direction, hourly rate, references, country etc. Can choose some of them and send requests for some date and time. Translator will receive notification and can accept or reject. If the translator accepts, the user receives the notification that the translator agrees and it is time to pay. When the call happened, after that the translator received money. Company will get 10% from each call.
There is AI translator apps like:
Voice, Speak and Translate, Translate Voice.
Advantages or differentiators
I didn't find any application which is near to concepts of my application.
Money will be spent on
About $50.000 - $70.000 planning to spend on design/development/test/deploy.
Other parts planning to spend on marketing, finding partners, involve users and translations.
The risks are related to AI tools, which can translate automatically. However, I think that at least in health care people mostly will believe in real translators and specialists in that area. Moreover, we are planning to have AI translations too, where it is possible.