Financial platform, which gives experts and beginners access to a digital ecosystem, through an ecosystem that quickly and safely allows you to buy, sell and use cryptocurrencies.
Current Status
more than 1100 users, 4 shops and more than 20 products and services in the market place.
Problem or Opportunity
Users who make use of cryptocurrencies do not have a simple, fast and secure way to access products and services by paying directly with their cryptocurrencies, which makes them have to negotiate them for local currency in informal markets, which forces them to assume risks that commonly materialize causing loss of funds and even criminal offenses.
Solution (product or service)
We generate a wide range of possibilities for the use of cryptocurrencies by allowing users to purchase products and services by paying directly with their cryptocurrencies, by connecting with businesses from different industries, generating a crypto ecosystem, through a crypto payment gateway, a marketplace, a wallet and other modules that allow users to access a variety of products and services in a simple, fast and secure way.
Business model
Our business model consists of charging an average of 1% transactional fee for each of the services, each user carries out one or several transactions monthly that on average add up to a volume of 500 USD per user, which leaves us a margin of 5 USD per customer per transaction.
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
HubBog Campus de Startup:
Programas de aceleración para emprendedores e innovación