Photo - I'mbesideyou Inc.

I'mbesideyou Inc.

Continuous improvement of online meeting by AI analytics

Market: Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 11.05.2022
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Psychological mirror by edge computing AI, protecting mental health and delivering continuous improvement processes to online communication.Connecting people with decentralized networks.

Current Status

We are the startup founded after COVID-19 happened.
After 19 months founded,our monthly revenue is US$260,000,
We already contracted Japanese establishment companies,Benesse,Astrazeneca,NTT,Denso,and so on.
We'll create 100 × $1mil ARR companies in each area.


Now our target is enterprise clients who drive their business mainly based on online communication.
Online education,online sales,HR(1on1,recruitment),online dating,and mental health are the main use cases for us.
We already get clients for each use case in Japan.
Our market(SOM) in Japan is approximately US$100mil ARR,now we're also trying to go to the global market collaborating with Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. The market in India(SOM) is the same as Japan(Price is one-tenth,population is 10 times).
After winning in India,we plan to go to other global markets including the US and Europe(except China). We estimate the total global market(SOM) is over US$1bil.

Problem or Opportunity

Now every person all over the world communicates via online.
But online communication creates blackbox,it's really hard to feel people's reaction via online.
Online meetings create great opportunities for us,distance disappears when you use Zoom,Teams,Meets.
So if we can enhance the quality of online communication up to offline communication,our way of life is totally changing.

Solution (product or service)

Our multimodal AI analytics engine can predict churn or lost order or mental health issues from online communication movie data.
Our product continuously monitors relative change in each person by analysing facial expression,face orientation,gaze,voice tone,voice pitch,speech rally,voice recognition.
For example,in online education we predict 84% of churn correctly,education companies use our analytics results to prioritize their actions to prevent churn.


Affectiva is the most famous face recognition company,but their price is 10 times of us,and Affectiva was acquired by Smart Eye in May,so we thought their focus area changed to autonomous vehicle domain.
Strongest competitor is China company.Now our plan to go to overseas markets is starting from India,because India is sparse from China,and their population will become world No.1.
Optimization for the online communication process is just beginning,so now many companies are checking their communication by human power like questionnaires or replies and watching movies.

Advantages or differentiators

We're the one and only multimodal AI analytics service specialized online communication like Zoom.
We already applied 100 patents globally,and got traction in Japan. We do transfer learning between each use case like online education,online sales, recruiting,1on1,mental health.
We analysed over 100,000 hours of online communication movies and have polished our engine by interaction with our clients.


We have two services and each has a different cost structure.
First one is the cloud version.
Cloud version is automatically linked with a corporate Zoom account and sends analytical results to clients day by day for creating continuous improvement of online communication.
It's price is US$10/person per month.This model is for developed countries like Japan.
Second one is the client version.
Client version is using edge resources each user has,realizing realtime analytics and cloud cost is zero.
So we can deliver a client version at $1/person a month.This model is for developing countries like India.

Business model

B to B horizontal Saas.
Basically we charge per user,US$10/user・Month(developed country,first Japan),US$1/user・Month(developing country,first India).
In Japan,we have a strong connection with establishment in Japan,because all 3 co-founder worked at NTTDATA(totally 50 years experience),and the founder is mentor of Japanese establishment company& accleration program.
In India,now we build relationships with IITs. This spring,3457 IIT students applied for our internship and 9 graduates already joined.
We are going to US and India market with almuni network of IITs.

Money will be spent on

We'll hire the best talents from Indian Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of Management.
Now they're working as Interns,and our culture is pretty fit with them.
NPS of interns is 85.7%.
Their capability of design and engineering is highest in the world and their alumni network all over India is quite strong.
So first,we will spend money to get them.

Offer for investor

We want to search for a partner of GTM in India,so if you have a channel and other assets of Indian market,we want to talk with you and discuss how to collaborate.

Team or Management


One of the biggest risks is that tech giants like Zoom develop the same service and become our competitor.
That's why we applied for 100 patents globally.
Second risk is after COVID-19,everybody quit online communication and go back to offline communication.But we think this scenario rarely happens.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Entrepreneurship world cup TOP100,10X Innovation Lab,SXSW Pitch2022

Won the competition and other awards

Selected TOP20 finalist of CTNN at Slingshot 2020.
Selected J-TECH Startup 2020 by TEP.
Most awarded at Startup GoGo!2020.
Most awarded at JSA online meetup July,2020.
Adopted the creating new innovative demand program by Tokyo city(Japanese local government)
Adopted the fund support program by Hamamatsu city(Japanese local government)


We applied 100 patents globally,focusing on multimodal AI analytics specialized online communication like Zoom.


Photo 1 - Continuous improvement of online meeting by AI analytics

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