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MasterClass but for Wellness - 100k sales first 6 months

Market: Information and media, Education, training, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 24.03.2021
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Platform for wellness experts within sustainable and healthy living where we create digital programs based upon their expertise, think MasterClass for lifestyle transformations.
We have launched our first program together with our partner Darin Olien, world-renowned super food and health expert, author of NY times best seller “Superlife” and host of the #1 Netflix documentary series “Down to Earth”.
In current discussions with another 6 World Renowned experts to be added to the platform.

Current Status

Launched our first program with Darin Olien and after 6 months we have 20,000 downloads and 2,000 paid users that has generated $90,000 in sales, without any paid marketing.
More importantly, people who bought our product loves it. A feedback from one of our users captures perfectly what we set out to create: “If you are new to Darin Olien the wealth of information is invaluable. If you’ve read his book Superlife you will love how it comes to life through this app”
currently we are in the process of developing programs from the following experts:

Elle Macpherson (Supermodel and Founder of WelleCo) - A program based upon Elle’s philosophy of how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

Shawn Stevenson (Author of bestselling books Eat Smarter & Sleep Smarter and host of The Model Health Show, featured #1 Health Podcast in the U.S.) - The program will be based upon his two books.

Dr. Uma Naidoo (Harvard trained psychiatrist and nutrition specialists) - The program will be based upon her book “This Is Your Brain On Food”.

Rainbeau Mars (One of Hollywood’s most sought after health and wellness expert) - Program will be based upon her book “The 21-Day Superstar Cleanse” and best selling yoga DVD’s.

In March 2021 we will launch our first Swedish program with Annika Kvist, based upon her book “Healthy Happy Living”. Annika will be the Country Manager for 121tribe Sweden and is in the process of recruiting more Swedish experts to the platform.


Our target customer is the “Transformational Consumer”. They see life as a never-ending series of behavioural project to live healthier and wiser lives and they turn to online content and books about the following topics, a few times a week or more often: health & fitness 57%, self improvement 56%, stress management 47% and loose weight 43%. They often say “I know what do to but I need help making myself doing it” and they often turn to our target expert to solve their pain points.

Problem or Opportunity

Together with Darin Olien we realised that there is a global opportunity addressing a big market gap: world renowned wellness experts don’t have a tool to efficiently help people changing their lifestyle and people who want to learn and implement a lifestyle change from these experts lack a good solution from them.
Although many people aspire to change their lifestyles, most people struggle to implement this change even when it is recommended by an expert that they find interesting.
They might have listened to a Podcast and then they buy the book from the expert. But this limited information exchange doesn’t offer them the engagement and gamification to commit to the lifestyle change on a daily basis.

Solution (product or service)

We are transforming the experience by packaging the knowledge and philosophy from the expert into a transformational, gamified, engaging journey that the user follows on our app. The application is built to be fully scalable in order to accommodate a wide range of lifestyle experts.

Most people would read a book as a substitute to our product. For example if you want to implement Darin Olien’s 5 Life Forces you would read his book. We offer an easy and efficient online tool that keeps users engaged and motivated.


Currently, there’s no unified market place covering all our verticals, nor any comprehensive content monetisation platform for experts. The top 1-for-1 competitor is Centr that covers some verticals but with in-house experts.
Within each vertical there are plenty of players that provide market places or in-house programs (Mindvalley, Lifesum, MyFitnessPal, Calm, Sweat)
While more direct competition may emerge in the future, our community approach and expert agreements will help us win the market.

Advantages or differentiators

First program already launched with world renowned wellness expert Darin Olien.
Thorough the network of Darin Olien, and his program as a reference, we have access to world renowned experts.
Very good feedback from our 2,000 paying users proving a good product market fit.
High interest from our target experts for our solution.


Users are paying one fee for each program.
We will start offering a subscription model in addition to the above when we have 6 experts on the platform.

Current cost structure is USD 10,000 per month and we need between 20,000 to 30,000 USD to produce each program.

Business model

Our business model is based upon pure revenue sharing with each expert and where we create all the content for each expert.
The programs are promoted on each experts digital channels.

Money will be spent on

To produce and launch programs from another 10 experts.
Introduce an all access subscription model when we have 6 experts on the platform.
Implementing community features leveraging the demand from our users for a dynamic way to interact with other community members and the experts. Such as real-time audio and video interactions, virtual events and other features focusing on high level conversations. 

Offer for investor

This will be mentioned at our first meeting.

Team or Management


Someone else is building a similar platform and will attract the top world renowned experts before us.
Like MasterClass, the one who captures the most famous experts will control the space. Thus, we are moving fast to capture the experts and audience, our biggest fear is that someone will capture the top experts before us.


Photo 1 - MasterClass but for Wellness - 100k sales first 6 months

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