Photo - Surfly


Surfly provides co-browsing and video chat technology

Market: Internet and IT, Information and media, Insurance, Financial services, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 18.09.2020
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Surfly provides co-browsing and video chat technology that helps you support remote customers as if you are sitting side-by-side, seamlessly upgrading any conversation from any channel or device with just one click. We make real-time interactions incredibly easy: your customer simply clicks a link or button, and their co-browsing session instantly begins on your own website, portal, or app. Unlike other meeting tools like Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams, your own branded property becomes the communication platform and your customers don’t need to install any third party software.

Current Status

We help 100,000 advisors/agents in leading brands in over 50 countries. Our customers include Die Mobiliar, Zurich, Migros Bank, Kantonalbank BLKB, Swiss Life, National General, Harel, ABN AMRO, Sparkasse, AXA, Generali, Achmea, New York Life, Empire Life, Vodafone, AAA, NN, APG, Standard Bank, Getin Noble Bank, UBA, MitsuiSumitomo, Banco Bradesco, DXC, Accenture, Cisco, SAS, Vodafone, Telus, Mazda, SuitSupply, Chanel, Governments and many more.

Problem or Opportunity

The global events of the past few months have caused many companies to fundamentally change how they do business. The good news is that many of the tools and technologies needed to enable team members to work remote and connect to their customers, and potential customers, already exist. They have existed for a while. And many companies have already used them to extend and upgrade their interactions, whether it’s for customer service, sales, or trying to merge offline and online experiences. This means that companies who are moving quickly to adjust their business processes and include technology like Surfly’s into their customer experience can rely on a wealth of data and use cases on how to do this the right way.

It also is hard to imagine that the changes to processes and the addition of new technology will just revert and go back to the way it used to be when the current crisis ends. This current global crisis has forced everyone to race to find an answer that fits the best for them: adding additional infrastructure to allow their teams to actually work remotely, adopting tools that allow all those remote workers to connect and collaborate, and most importantly, invest in the right technology to connect to customers. And it has been successful. Companies are adapting, team members are adapting, and most importantly, customers are adapting. This is quickly becoming the new normal and will define how we work, collaborate, support, and sell for years to come.

In this new normal the question won’t be whether or not you can remotely connect with your customers, and have shared interactions as if you were sitting side-by-side, it will be who does it best. What technology is easiest for my customers to use? What is easiest for me to implement into my existing processes and workflows? What technology offers the highest quality sharing experience so I can clearly and quickly share content? What technology meets the high privacy and security standards that both me and my customers expect?

While at the moment this may seem like a sprint, in reality it is a marathon. While you may need a solution for tomorrow, you will also need a solution for the years to come. You will need a technology that is flexible, easy to plug into any tool, and will grow and improve as your customer and business needs change. Making wholesale changes to how you do business is complex and can take time to perfect. The technology you use shouldn’t.

This is where Surfly fits the needs of companies both big and small, across a wide variety of industries. Surfly is not trying to build a massive platform to solve every aspect of the remote worker and the remote customer. Instead Surfly has spent the last 8 years building co-browsing technology that is simple to set-up and use, is incredibly fast, and has privacy and security at its core. We want to give every company the opportunity to upgrade any conversation into a co-browsing session. Whether it’s a phone call, web chat, or in-app interaction, Surfly let’s you see what your customer is seeing so you can guide them toward an outcome that exceeds their expectations and increases their satisfaction.

What separates Surfly from every other co-browsing solution is its simplicity. Surfly doesn’t require any changes to the code of a company’s website or require customers to download any software. If you can click on a link or a button, you can start a Surfly session. It’s as easy as that. And for companies that want to use Surfly with their current solutions, our fully documented API is straightforward and easy to integrate. Surfly’s goal is to offer a simple, integrated, and seamless experience at every level, both to our customers, and our customers customers.

Key Points
Compared to other co-browsing providers: we just work. No changes to the clients website are needed, we can even co-browse 3rd party content, something that is simply not possible with embedded types of co-browsing.
Comparison with screen sharing: we will require nothing to be installed or logged in
Our vision: Everything should just work

One of Surfly’s key differentiators is that it is a co-browsing solution and not a screen sharing solution. It may seem like a small difference but it’s like comparing a sports car to a semi-truck. Both can drive you from one place to another, but your experiences will be like night and day. Screen sharing works by sharing your entire desktop and takes a pixel based approach, which means that snapshots of your entire screen are being taken over and over again, resulting in large streams of data being compressed and sent to the person you are screen sharing with. This means that screen updates on the other side can often be slow, like a semi-truck. But with Surfly’s co-browsing technology, you are only sharing your browser, not your complete desktop, and we only stream events, which doesn't require much bandwidth. The end result is no compression, low latency, blazing fast speeds - like driving a sports car.

Key Points
Compared to other co-browsing providers: Much easier to get started through our API: get started in days, not years. We have multiple clients that are good use cases for this: TalkEvent (on-premise installation up and running with 200 banks within just 2 weeks), Trengo from Zero to full integration in their platform in just a week, AM-I (creating a remote advice platform on top of our technology), PathAdvice (creating remote manageable presentations in a matter of days)
Compared with screen sharing: we share events not pixels
Our vision: Transforming your existing web application into a collaborative application should be straightforward

At this point almost anyone who has signed-up to use a website has been surprised to learn that their data was not as private as they thought it was. Companies like Google and Facebook have come under scrutiny from government and consumer groups for not doing enough to secure their customers data and keep it private. For Surfly, security and privacy are a cornerstone of our technology. Because we are a co-browsing solution, sharing only takes place in a browser, meaning there is no way to access the rest of a customer's desktop without their approval. We also offer the ability for secure collaboration by masking any sensitive data a customer may input during a session. And because we are simply enabling a co-browsing session we don’t store any data that happens in a session, ever.

Key Points
Compared with screen sharing solutions: Nothing needs to be installed, purely web based and we don't need access to your desktop. We live in a single browser tab
Compared with other co-browsing providers: we have advanced features to hide items from participants on a content level (element masking, field masking)
Our vision: It is your data, not our data, you should have full control over it.

Solution (product or service)

Surfly provides co-browsing and video chat technology that helps you support remote customers as if you are sitting side-by-side, seamlessly upgrading any conversation from any channel or device with just one click. We make real-time interactions incredibly easy: your customer simply clicks a link or button, and their co-browsing session instantly begins on your own website, portal, or app. Unlike other meeting tools like Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams, your own branded property becomes the communication platform and your customers don’t need to install any third party software. Within a co-browsing session you are also able to mask sensitive data such as social security numbers, pin codes, credit card numbers, and other account information. All of this means that using Surfly versus standard screen sharing tools greatly reduces your security and compliance risks. Surfly’s technology provides a smooth and fast experience, with almost no loss of quality, even when co-browsing websites with audio and video.

We help improve NPS, LTV, sales, cross-selling, customer experience, FCR, handling times. See more here:


There are companie sout there that would look at us as competition :) Those companies are Glia, Unblu, Median, Upscope, Talkative, Acquire, LogMeIn, Glance. Look what G2 says:

Advantages or differentiators

One partner went through 3 "co-browsing" solutions and even built their own before seeing the light with Surfly. We even have growing alliances with tech leaders like Cisco, NICE inContact and Vonage who were also using other "co-browsing" solutions before switching. Other solutions take JavaScript/Embedded or WebRTC approach which we were doing before changing direction 5 years ago because of the complexities and limitations associated with those approaches. We switched 200 banks in Germany in under 2 weeks from one of these JS approaches. See more on why we are different here:

Money will be spent on

Expanding the team
Increasing US footprint

Team or Management

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

FIS FinTech Accelerator 2020 (US)

Won the competition and other awards

DXC Invitational 2019 (out of 500 companies in US)
Start4big 2020 (out of 400 companies in Spain)
The Heart 2019 (out of 300 companies in Poland)
AO Lab 2019 (out of 200 in UK)
Invited to Zurich Innovation World Championships - 2 years in a row


Photo 1 - Surfly provides co-browsing and video chat technology

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