Photo - Longevity InTime

Longevity InTime

Raise your Grandkids’ Children

USA, Delaware
Market: Internet and IT, Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 21.09.2020
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Longevity InTime is an AI online, real-time tracking technology for serious diseases. Our goal is to prolong life for 20+ years by means of measuring human biodata.
We plan to monitor 400+ essential health parameters using existing wearables and a proprietary portable container that we have developed.
After analyzing the biodata, our AI algorithm will predict the likelihood of TOP-20 serious diseases in the early stages. These predictions and recommendations will help our clients to change their lives and increase their lifespan.

Current Status

Latest Traction: 2 weeks ready for in-app purchases launch

AntiObesity app in Apple Store and BMIobesity app in Google Play. The app is in beta testing.
Now we have over 500 users of our apps, which downloaded apps through various ways.


B2C: in-app purchases, monthly subscription
B2B: 1-2-year contract, Individual pricing model, monthly or quarterly payments
Big Pharma — 2 year contracts due to long term medicine development.
Insurance — 1 year contracts due to average duration of clients’ contracts.
Sport teams — 1 year contracts due to average duration of supplier’s contract.
Medical Institutions — 2 year contracts due to a longer period to see the results.
High Net Worth Individuals: 1 year contracts due to this client's category preferences.
B2G: G20 governments — 4 year contracts.

Problem or Opportunity

Our client is a person who cares about their health. Many people die from various diseases. We plan to track the TOP-20 serious diseases and make recommendations for maintaining health in mobile applications.

The State of Life in Today’s Society
Zero people died of old age, but about 99% of all 118Bs die from disease.
The market clearly lacks tools for diagnosing early stages of diseases.
There are zero real-time online trackers for 20+ health parameters.
People are afraid of being infected with coronavirus and other influenza in hospitals and laboratories.
On average, until 2020, people suffer early death or significantly reduce their enjoyment of life about 30 years prior to what could be achieved with the knowledge that we have TODAY.

Solution (product or service)

Longevity InTime is an AI online, real-time tracking technology for serious diseases. Our goal is to prolong life for 20+ years by means of measuring human biodata.

We plan to monitor 400+ essential health parameters using existing wearables and a proprietary portable container that we have developed.

After analyzing the biodata, our AI algorithm will predict the likelihood of TOP-20 serious diseases in the early stages. These predictions and recommendations will help our clients to change their lives and increase their lifespan.

Our AI algorithms have been developed using G-20 Big Data for over 70 years extracted from PubMed, Mimic, and other human clinical trials to provide personalized recommendations. The client gets them via a mobile app, so that they can use these prognoses on a daily basis.

We decided to develop separate apps for different diseases as it will help us reach a more targeted audience. We’ve started with obesity and coronavirus and launched the AntiObesity app in May and the AntiCoronaVirus app is in beta.

We call ourselves - anti dying technology!


Data collectors: IT giants that are collecting data, including biodata (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Netflix, Google).

Most relevant: ICarbonX funded by TenCent, raised $1B over the last 4 years. Their goal is to create a future where people can drive their own health and defeat disease with advanced data and AI.

Mobile apps for health tracking: Welltok, Welltory, Qapsule, Bioniq, Lifetracker:,,,,

Advantages or differentiators

Data collection: we collect and display in a user friendly and understandable way how to interpret the information. Others collect "statistical" data, and the users don't know what to do with it. We do things in a continuous manner while the others are more static.

Data measurement: we do everything remotely and we only need to track more parameters, when advised. These are typically parameters that can’t be taken remotely, so we recommend going to the lab for them.

Health Tracking Mobile App: our competitors don't use AI, ML, or Big Data to track disease. If they use algorithms or data — only to display current parameters without prediction and prevention. We take more parameters than all existing apps and show results in a simple "no doctor required to understand” way, which helps to develop a roadmap for customers using their specific info (i.e. how to track more diseases).

Competitive Advantage
Data collection: collect, measure, give insights, recommend, delay or prevent the upcoming diseases
Most relevant: only remote data collection, analysis and recommendation
Mobile app: AI, ML, Big Data backed
Aging research / Stealth mode / Exact disease / Exact cause: TOP 20 severe diseases prediction and prevention in 1 product
Hardware: all biomaterials in one container, and then send to the lab


1 year - revenue $1,2M; EBITDA: $743K; gross margin: 80%
2 year - revenue $5M; EBITDA: $3,3M; gross margin: 79,8%
3 year - revenue $10M; EBITDA: $4,5M; gross margin: 62,1%
4 year - revenue $30M; EBITDA: $7,7M; gross margin: 50,7%
5 year - impossible to give accurate data in such long-term period, even 2 years + is quite unpredictable due to rapidly changing world

Business model

Sales Strategies and Channels
App Stores: App Store Optimization and Apple Search Ads for B2C mobile apps.
Social Media: targeting the obesity infected and Coronavirus influenced audience.
Referral program: free features or free access to those who recommend the app to friends.
Direct sales: targeting B2B and B2C companies and High Net Worth Individuals.

Metrics (overall for 2 apps):
DAU (Daily Active Users):
35 as of May-June 2020
50 as of July 2020

MAU (Monthly Active Users):
350 as of May-June 2020
500 as of July 2020

Month-on-Month Growth: 35%
Gross Margin: 30%
CPC (Customer Acquisition Cost): $0.30
LTV (Lifetime Value): $8.30 over a 12 month period

Money will be spent on

Investment required
$100K within 2 months
A commitment for $500K by April 2021
To finance official patent fees for 5 objects to patent each in G-20 countries.
A commitment $900K by October 2021 for a "plan b".
A commitment for $2M to finance FDA portable container and mobile medical app application.

Offer for investor

The preconditions are as follows, but are discussed with each investor individually.

Deal Terms for $1,5M commitment
Most of the contracts with team members were signed out of $23.3-34.1 valuation incl. patent attorney, but since that time until the moment we sign a contract with you more progress will be made, we can offer 4% for $ 1.5 million, of which we only need $100K now, perhaps $500K in the future and $900K probably will not take.
The deal may look like this: you get immediate equity for $100K is 0,26% out of a $37,5M valuation and the rest 3,74% as the deposit. If the time comes and we only need another $500K to pay the patent fees, we will transfer you another 1.3% of the capital, making it 1,56%. If we do not need $900K, you will release a deposit of 2,44% after 18 months since the signature date.

Team or Management


If something goes wrong with revenue and we couldn't pay the next fees for moving patents from initial application to national phase.
Death of the founder

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Participation in the program:
ALTS Capital Accelerator, USA
HSE Business Incubator, Russia
StartUp Sauna Sampo Accelerator, Aalto University, Finland


US provisional application № 63022010: Medical system and method for reading lifespan prediction data
US provisional application № 63022489: Real-time method of bio Big Data automatic collection for personalized lifespan prediction and in-time severe diseases prevention with AI reporting system
Trademarks, slogans logos filed in USA № 88908382: Longevity InTime
Program codes, algorithms are in process of being filed as patents
US provisional application № 63022489: Utility model for portable container (as part of filing)


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