Photo - Redbird


Digital daily risk factor check-in for remote triage

Market: Medicine, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 01.05.2020
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We have created a daily risk factor check-in app for health center staff and patients in the era of COVID-19. A health center supplies staff and patients with a link for a daily reporting of symptoms and other risk factors associated with COVID-19. The health center is able to view all submissions and history of submissions from an individual, identifying high risk staff and patients before the present for work. This enables the health center to reduce risk to staff and PPE cost while maintaining a high level of safety.

Current Status

Redbird has been enabling digital health solutions and decentralized health monitoring since 2018. The COVID-19 daily check-in solution for health centers is already live in one Accra hospital and the app supporting the check in has been featured on the radio and CNBC Africa.


For this product, our customers are health centers, hospitals, or even any business interested in monitoring and performing remote triage of their staff and/or visitors for risk factors associated with COVID-19. Excitingly, this has large potential beyond COVID-19 in enabling health facilities to better monitor side effects of treatment or poor adherence when patients are at home.

Problem or Opportunity

In order to continue serving their patient populations, health centers now must also protect both patients and employees against the spread of COVID-19. To do this effectively, these health centers must both monitor their staff for early signs of COVID-19 infection and triage patients into high and low risk categories. However, to do this in-person in a safe fashion is expensive and time consuming since the virus is highly communicable.
Specific challenges include:
• Identifying risk accurately requires monitoring several risk factors over time
o Many symptoms for COVID-19 are similar to other common and less serious ailments, making it difficult for individuals to self-assess increased risk
o Objective review of a combination of symptoms and risk factors over time is needed to assess risk
• Anyone arriving at the hospital with no background must be treated as high risk
o This leads to an overconsumption of scarce PPE
o Time that could otherwise be used by key staff must be spent evaluating all visitors
• Phone or other manual check-ins of symptoms by staff and patients is time consuming and infeasible within existing workflow and would require extra administration to track any information provided

Solution (product or service)

Health facilities need a way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread within their population while still conserving resources to continue providing a high-level of service to their patient population. The right solution should have the following attributes:
- Objectively and accurately helps the facility identify levels of risk
- Can achieve this work remotely and without phone calls
- Offers an easy e-health connection for contract tracing if needed
- Presents data in an actionable fashion
Redbird has developed a COVID-19 Daily Check In app and reporting suite that meets these needs. Once a day and in less than a minute, anyone associated with a facility can check-in with the app. By gathering simple answers to a few quick symptom related questions every day, Redbird can provide a facility with a daily actionable assessment of risk both at the individual and comprehensive level. Most importantly, it can do this without requiring facility visits or resources on the phone.


Other symptom and case trackers have focused on trying to provide individual risk assessment or case numbers to individuals, such as Opine. These do not, however, provide much if any value to health centers needing a commercial solution. Kangaroo Health in the USA is a US-focused group apparently doing similar work.

Advantages or differentiators

The biggest advantage is that this work supports Redbird's core business and has relevance beyond COVID-19. In addition to this product, Redbird has a network of over 200 partner pharmacies that can also be used as check-in points and, when serology tests are available, convenient testing points for staff or patients before visiting a health center. Our digital health tools including this product are linked, so that this platform can be easily transformed to monitor side effects (self-reported or requiring a rapid test such as anemia) once the pandemic has slowed and other health issues take priority.

Business model

We are leveraging a SaaS business model for this product.

Money will be spent on

Tech development and sales to additional health facilities

Team or Management

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Alchemist Accelerator - 2018
Founders Factor Africa - Current


Our digital health tools are proprietary
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