Photo - ABI Solutions Inc.

ABI Solutions Inc.

Portal ABIS Inc. USA

USA, Georgia
Market: Internet and IT, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 23.08.2019
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The Portal is a place of collection, storage and analysis of information.

Current Status

ABI Solutions Inc. Capitalization 3,000,000, shares class A


Owners of business – 200,000,000 legal entities,
4,312,982,270 Internet users.

Problem or Opportunity

There is a share of risk in any business project. The appearance of the Portal is very relevant at the moment, dictated by the situation and time. Knowledge and experience of the project owners, partners, personal and business reputation, a wide range of personal and business communication with influential individuals and organizations in different countries, which have already shown a willingness to support our project and become our partners give confidence in the successful implementation of this project. There is a risk that the time of filling the content will be longer than the estimated one. The project offers a number of solutions to help customers to speed up the filling of the Portal with content. There is a risk that major players with huge resources will be able to duplicate our project and offer their own version to the market earlier than us. The practice shows that, as a rule, the issue is solved by another method – competitors offer to buy back the rights to the project. The project will be protected by the registered trademark TM. The developers are tasked with making the Project unique in order to protect it with a patent.
Different financing options will be offered to protect the interests of the investor.

Solution (product or service)

The Portal «ABIS Inc. USA» is a place of collection, storage and analysis of information. The Portal provides for exclusive decisions of questions (problems) of clients.
The Portal will ensure:
- satisfaction of the consumer market in providing the Internet space for the promotion of goods, services, products of intellectual labor of enterprises, state institutions, as well as individuals;
- improvement of business processes efficiency;
- expansion of sales markets.
The Portal serves as an attractive place for advertising.
The Portal contains the following sections:
- home page;
- partners;
- goods/services;
- funds;
- investments;
- events (exhibitions, presentations, seminars, etc.);
- forum;
- personal account of the Portal users (site, wallet);
- joint accounts;
- open and closed auctions;
- social projects (ecology, assistance to people with rare diseases);
- contacts.
Consumers of the Portal's services are business owners, enterprises, state institutions, associations, farmers, as well as individuals who require certain capabilities of the Portal.
The ways in which people interact with the Internet are also changing. In comparison to 2018, voice control tools have become more popular – about 40% of Internet users use voice commands or voice search every month.
Voice control will be used in the work of the Portal and applications.

The Portal «ABIS Inc. USA» provides the widest range of services corresponding to the needs of Internet users.

The purpose of the Portal:

- To give exclusive solutions to specific problems – sell, buy, increase the number of customers, expand markets, find new technology, create new products and technologies, solve medical problems, increase profitability, find investment, invest profitably and much more.
- To improve the efficiency of business processes,
- To save energy, money, time.

The objectives of the Project:

1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise.
2. Satisfaction of the consumer market in providing the Internet
space for the promotion of goods, services, products of intellectual labor of enterprises, state institutions, as well as individuals.
3. Redistribution of information, commodity and financial flows.

The Portal does not create competition with existing structures.
The Portal helps to expand the capabilities of existing resources.
We are on the way to combining the existing services.

Target audience:

Owners of business – 200,000,000 legal entities,
4,312,982,270 Internet users.
According to Internet World Stats as of March 2019.

How much are we going to make?

If the Project reaches the following indicators:
2% of the target audience of legal entities will bring income of $480 million per year to the Portal.
1% of the target audience of individuals will bring income of $430 million per year to the Portal.
Income from advertising on the Portal is comparable with income from legal entities and individuals.
Income from other assets of the Project (statistical data, consultations, exhibitions and other things).


no direct competitors

Advantages or differentiators

all issues are resolved in one place


The financing of the project is carried out at the expense of own funds and funds of the shareholders, investor(-s).
Costs: as of July 2019. The first (preliminary) period – $91,000. Own funds.
Costs for the second (preparatory) period – $2,997,000.

Business model

Portal "ABIS Inc. USA"

Money will be spent on

Portal development, marketing. The term is 24 months.

Offer for investor

Share in coprocation 25%

Team or Management


There is a share of risk in any business project. The appearance of the Portal is very relevant at the moment, dictated by the situation and time. Knowledge and experience of the project owners, partners, personal and business reputation, a wide range of personal and business communication with influential individuals and organizations in different countries, which have already shown a willingness to support our project and become our partners give confidence in the successful implementation of this project. There is a risk that the time of filling the content will be longer than the estimated one. The project offers a number of solutions to help customers to speed up the filling of the Portal with content. There is a risk that major players with huge resources will be able to duplicate our project and offer their own version to the market earlier than us. The practice shows that, as a rule, the issue is solved by another method – competitors offer to buy back the rights to the project. The project will be protected by the registered trademark TM. The developers are tasked with making the Project unique in order to protect it with a patent.
Different financing options will be offered to protect the interests of the investor.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

The project ("OUR WORLD" - previous startup name) went through all the stages of the competition conducted by IIDF

Won the competition and other awards

previous startup name


Photo 1 - Portal ABIS Inc. USA
Photo 2 - Portal ABIS Inc. USA
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Problem or Opportunity
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Business model
Money will be spent on
Offer for investor
Team or Management
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Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Won the competition and other awards
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