Photo - My sport eveywhere

My sport eveywhere

New concept of sport and time for family in hear of Milan

Market: Education, training, Tourism, sport, Other
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 12.07.2024
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We give the new space for people with full schedule to connect with there body and family, and giving working mother to take care of them self and take care of there kids at the same time with out. feeling guilty.

Current Status

Location is signed, team is ready, project is set, general constructor is ready, marketing preparation all done.


from 2 years old to elderly, our team is ready to developing the personal program to each client.

Problem or Opportunity

In Milan there no lace where you can take care of yourself and in the same time take care of your kid, and spend quality time together.

Solution (product or service)

We give the new space for people with full schedule to connect with there body and family, and giving working mother to take care of them self and take care of there kids at the same time with out. feeling guilty.


this is blu ocean strategy at the moemtnthere no competitors on the market

the classes is the Virgin

Advantages or differentiators

we take care of your kids and you, the personal approach in the heart of Milan from sport and meditation to beauty, with the support of influencer and top companies in Milan


Starting point and general information
Rental spase 420 mt2 4 mounths of free rent for renovation, renovation cost includes all the burocratic cost of the permissions and set up Income of project adult/beauty
Cost euro cost adult euro3 cost kids euro2 line of incomme euro Info Studio
Fix cost total for all space Fix cost total space adult Fix cost zona kids averege order value for beauty 40,00 Working hours of studio/beauty from 7 to 21 14
rent per year ( DEPOSIT OF 12 months AND PLAN FOR 12 months AS RESERVE) 320.000,00 € rent per year 205.714,29 € rent per year 120mt + 30% bathrooms 114.285,71 € average capasity BEAUTY 50,00% Working places for beauty 9
Renovation 260.000,00 € Renovation 165.904,76 € Renovation 94.095,24 € avrege order value day BEAUTY 2.520,00 Capasity of the adult studio 30
extra cost (water, securyry, heat and airconditioning) 20.000,00 € extra cost (water, securyry, heat and airconditioning) 12.857,14 € extra cost (water, securyry, heat and airconditioning) 7.142,86 € averege order value beauty month 75.600,00 Working hours 14
one down payment intermedia -15% from year 23.400,00 € one down payment intermedia -15% from year 15.042,86 € one down payment intermedia -15% from year 8.357,14 € averege order value studio 10,00 Capasity of the kids studio 30
total for first year 623.400,00 € total for first year adult 399.519,05 € total for first year kids 223.880,95 € average capacity 50,00% Working hours 10
Variable for all unit Variable Adult Variable Kids averege order value studio by day 2.100,00 single entrance for kids 12
Electricity year 36.000,00 € Electricity 25.714,29 € 10.285,71 € averege order value month 63.000,00
Beauty salary 10 x year 260.000,00 € PSG 25.000,00 € Totals EXTRA INCOME
Trainer salary 8 people x year 260.000,00 € Kimono 17.000,00 € Daily income 4.620,00 € Personal training kids /adults x hour 60
Administraiter 2 people + accounting 100.000,00 € Administraiter 2 people + accounting 71.428,57 € Administraiter 2 people + accounting 28.571,43 € Month income 138.600,00 € Rent a space for extra activities x 1 zone x hour 120
extra cost (papers, watre, coffee,towels, cosmetic and etc) 24.000,00 € extra cost (papers, watre, coffee,towels, cosmetic and etc) 17.142,86 € 6.857,14 € Year 1.663.200,00 €
total for first year 160.000,00 € total for first year adult 634.285,71 € 87.714,29 €
total cost for first year 1.505.400,00 €
Line of incomme Kids euro
Total income 2.113.200,00 € averege order value for kids 12,00
Reveniu before taxes 607.800,00 € average capasity 50,00%
Incomme after taxes -48% 316.056,00 € avrege order value x day 1.800,00
payment for the share holders of 45% after first year 142.225,20 € averege order value KIDS x month 37.500,00
Year 450.000,00 €

Business model

Subscription business model. This model allows the customer to get services by paying a fixed amount every month or year

Vertichal irerchny

Integration with the Franchise model with PSG, Gymnasium and Topstretching

I spend to discuss all details in person

Money will be spent on

Rent and construction and first period of operation process.

Offer for investor

800k for 45% of shares, in hall business with will include 5 studious ( 2 - Milan, Rome, Zurich and Lugano)

Team or Management


the copy of the projects.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

the project is ready at this moment by personal efforts, all preparation is done,

Won the competition and other awards

I have support form Pence, Vibram and operation partners.


Photo 1 - New concept of sport and time for family in hear of Milan
Photo 2 - New concept of sport and time for family in hear of Milan
Photo 3 - New concept of sport and time for family in hear of Milan
Photo 4 - New concept of sport and time for family in hear of Milan
Photo 5 - New concept of sport and time for family in hear of Milan
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