Low cost and unlimited amount enable to use of electric power for industrial and domestic purposes partially at first, but then it will completely replace natural gas, сoal, petrol, and oil products. The contemporary technically tried out methods of electricity accumulation, transportation and storage allow making a complete replacement and displacement of the conventional energy carriers within 8-10 years. The introduction of Thor EEM will bring very cheap electricity to every home and a technological breakthrough in food production. The cost of electricity for the population will decrease many tens of times, for industry - more than 100 times. Clean ecology, healthy life!
Water, surface, and air transport is already completely prepared to use the electricity as the main power which is proved by recent technical developments of the leading transport manufacturers. The main barrier for extensive manufacturing is a high electricity price.
Due to the opportunity to use the unlimited amount of power in research the most scientific discoveries in the nearest decades will lead the civilization to a quality new level of material existence. Biology, medicine, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and all their applied constituents is an incomplete list of sciences, the discoveries in which will bring civilization the maximum benefits.
The principle of the Thor Energy Extraction Machine function will be used to develop a new type of flying machine - allowing, for instance, to reduce the time of space travel by hundreds of times. The engineering capabilities will widen the activities of man in space, open a real opportunity to discover new planets as energy donors. Moreover, humanity will have a chance to create conditions (physical, chemical, biological, climatic, etc.) suitable for human life on the chosen planets, and the opportunity to speed up or to slow down the natural speed or time of planet existence by adapting them to the human habits.