Photo - CDC - Licensed Pet Hotel in USA

CDC - Licensed Pet Hotel in USA

Hotel provides post travel animal care and veterinary serv

USA, Illinois
Market: Logistics and warehouses, Farming, Services
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 24.01.2025
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CDC-licensed pet hotel providing revaccination, quarantine, and short-term
accommodation services for dogs imported from countries with a high risk of rabies.

Current Status

The project of the hotel for animals is in the final stage of preparation for launch. A warehouse near the Chicago O’Hare airport has been found. A 5-year lease is ready for signing. All expenses and income have been calculated. Only investment is needed for launch.


The clients of these CDC hotels are all people who fly to the United States with their animals from countries with high risk of rabies.
Sending animals to the hotel and paying for vaccination and quarantine services by the owners is mandatory, which brings income to the hotel.
After collecting data on hotels existing in other cities of the United States, it was found that up to 60 animals arrive at the hotel every day.

Problem or Opportunity

After the change in the rules for importing animals to the United States fr om countries with high risk of rabies fr om 01/08/24 - importing animals to the United States from countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, China, Indonesia and more than 100 other countries is carried out only through the CDC hotel.
Upon arrival in the United States, customs officers are forcibly send animals to this hotel for revaccination and quarantine. Animal owners pay for these services: 1100 usd for vaccination, 3100 usd for quarantine.
After negotiations with the owners of these hotels in other cities, it was established that up to 60 animals arrive at the hotel per day.
With all the calculations, the annual profit of this hotel in Chicago will be about 12,000,000 usd.
There are only 5 of these hotels in the United States: in Atlanta, New York, Miami, Washington and Philadelphia.
Opening this hotel in Chicago, wh ere one of the largest airports in the world is located and wh ere there are no competitors, is a highly profitable project with a quick payback period.

Solution (product or service)

At the moment, there are no direct competitors with a CDC license in the cities listed above - the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States.
This represents an opportunity to
fill a free niche and meet the need for CDC hotels in new regions.
After the opening of this hotel in Chicago, it is also planned to open in San Francisco, Newark, Houston, and Seattle.


The advantage of opening this hotel in Chicago is that there will be no competitors, and all animals will automatically be sent to our hotel.

Advantages or differentiators

These CDC hotels, operating in other US cities, have been operating for over 40 years. They accept animals by the hundreds every day, seven days a week, and open additional facilities because they cannot cope with the volume of animals arriving. Animals arrive in the US from all over the world every day and this will continue forever.


The main source of income is payment for vaccination and quarantine services for animals that are in the hotel.
1100 usd for vaccination and 3100 usd for quarantine.
If we take the average number of animals coming to the hotel, that is 30, the expected income per day is 30,000 usd, and more than 10,000,000 usd per year.

Money will be spent on

Investments are required to pay for the rent of the premises for the hotel - a deposit for 6 months of 90,000 usd, repair and refurbishment of the premises - 250,000 usd, installation of enclosures and equipment - 25,000 usd, purchase of a van - 20,000 usd, as well as architectural, engineering services, security system, purchase of equipment, marketing, etc. about 100,000 usd

Offer for investor

We offer the investor to invest 250,000 usd in this project. For this amount the investor receives 17.5% of the annual profit.
Based on all calculations, the annual profit of this hotel in Chicago will be about 12,000,000 usd. Accordingly, the investor will receive about 2,100,000 usd per year. Payments are made quarterly.
The investor will also have the opportunity to invest in the opening of the following hotels in other cities, if desired.

Lead investor

$ 100.000


There are no risks that this project may fail or be unprofitable.
The main aspect that will affect the hotel's profit is the number of animals that will come to the hotel.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment


Won the competition and other awards



Photo 1 - Hotel provides post travel animal care and veterinary serv
Photo 2 - Hotel provides post travel animal care and veterinary serv
Photo 3 - Hotel provides post travel animal care and veterinary serv
Photo 4 - Hotel provides post travel animal care and veterinary serv
Photo 5 - Hotel provides post travel animal care and veterinary serv
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