Photo - All Token Sports

All Token Sports

The Phygital Infrastructure, building Sport 3.0

Market: Internet and IT, Tourism, sport, Blockchain, Crypto currency, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 03.06.2023
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All Token Sports (ATS) builds Sports Estates Blockchain based digital revenue infrastructure.
Through its unique approach, ATS is committed to redirect the value where it belongs: the sports estate!

Current Status

We are directly catering to a Sports Fans market of 3 Billion potential users which is plus 40% of the world's population who has access to a smartphone and can access our platform.
We have decided to take a pro Basket ball Team as a first customer as a PoC for the Basketball French League so we can launch and test rapidly before closing major deals in Rugby and Athletics.


Mobile Games generate approximately 60% of total app revenue worldwide.
Worldwide licensed sports merchandise sales were worth $26.47 billion in 2018, and are predicted to reach almost $34 billion by 2023
• 95% of fans today have some form of interaction with their favourite team or league in the off-season
• An average Western European fan spends 700 Euros yearly on their favourite club tickets and merchandise.
Total Addressable Market - 30 bn
Serviceable Addressable Market- 6 bn
Serviceable Obtainable Market - 1.5 bn

Problem or Opportunity

Albeit declining, the follower base monetization is happening outside the clubs, through Web2, social, gaming and TV. As an example, Manchester United accounts for 75 million fans worldwide out of 1.1 billion followers.
Clubs and leagues are vastly preparing for that doom day when the TV rights will not support the business.
So, what’s the opportunity then?
Digital revenue is expected to be a mainstream contribution to sports clubs and leagues, and therefore are massively investing in building the Digital Revenues stream that will encompass the self-produced TV contents too.

Solution (product or service)

Our Vision: To build the decentralised Sport3.0 estate which is white labelled and 100% customisable according to the clients needs. The end-user is able to get a token with real multi-faceted utility.
Merging the love of sport and the digital life of fans thus bringing transparency and integrity to the sports business by giving an enhanced freedom to the leagues/clubs/federations.
Extend reality for fans to have the most immersive experience.


Sorare, Socios

Problem and use case: The Socios and Sorare's of this world in some form are our competitors have issued the fan tokens with limited to no utility for their end-users. Limited rights for the professional athletes by risking their ability to create something of more value. Therefore the fan monetization is totally unbalanced towards these companies rather than to the fans and their clubs

Advantages or differentiators

From the get-go ATS has focused on creating value for the sport estates which are the true centers of value creation and are not rewarded their fair share. Therefore, we have built an infrastructure that can accommodate all kind of wellness, sport and sport related entertainment innovation in one white label app/platform, knowing digitised assets are more appealing to fans as they transform to become highly tradeable in complete transparency/liquid vs our competitors’ projects.


A.) Revenue Sharing of the Token Sale : The Fan plays, trains, engages and wins Action Point Tokens that they can consume after having validated the level of their avatar through using one's utility ATS tokens that they can purchase directly with Fiat or any token currency currently accepted .
B.) White label licensing fee - (requested by some leagues)
C.) NFT creator royalty fees plus platform transaction fees on primary and secondary
D.) NFT and Metaverse sponsoring, challenges, and advertising

Business model

Revenue sharing of token sales : We provide the Sport Web 3 estate a complete GameFi engineered Fan loyalty platform generating multiple sources of revenue from tokenised based gaming, multi-utility NFTs , exclusive access to video moments, augmented with a fully animated sporty avatar.
Access to events, IRL and in the Metaverse with advertising / sponsoring opportunities in the next version of the platform's release.
Providing Token and NFT holders with a special status to influence decisions to enhance token supply and value.

Money will be spent on

- Supporting the launch of our first customers in Q2/Q3 of 2023.
- Hiring in 2nd half of 2023:
o Marketing/Community / Design / Events : 3 TBH
o Tech :Dev/Dev Ops/IT : 3TBH
o F&A: 1 TBH
o Metaverse Design and implementation :
Stadium , Venues, Training pitch
Gaming studio – Sensor incorporations
Clubs and leagues sponsors recruitment and Management
World's 1st Live Press Conference on the Metaverse
World's 1st National Team Jersey release event IRL and in the Metaverse

Offer for investor

Equity - to be discussed during deal negotiations


- Risk : Slow adoption due to the latest market scandal's.
We are addressing a mass population ( 10 M fans for France football, installed base of 3 Million current active users ) ready to be deployed as we are web3 for dummies.
- Interoperability between the layer 1s
- Attack exposure at the Bridges

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

ATS was selected for a prestigious French Sports accelerator program, which ATS turned down as we were a bit too advanced for the program. We therefore, decided to leave the space for other early stage projects as we require more advanced level direction in our pursuit.

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Problem or Opportunity
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Advantages or differentiators
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Business model
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Offer for investor
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Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
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