Photo - Graphene-BSM, LTD

Graphene-BSM, LTD

complete Business Management Services platform

Market: Internet and IT, Consulting, Education, training, Telecommunications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 21.06.2021
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Our collaborative and “modifiable” platform has a full range of modules from employee management to e-commerce & website editing and an enterprise social network, all while being ethical and responsible.
We provide dedicated server instances with data valorized by its inviolability.
The default platform offer includes alternative and open-source solutions, but integrated use of all GAFAM tools is also possible.
We aim to help with the humanization of ”digital transformation” by automating repetitive tasks (estimated 30% time savings) and simplifying setup and making everyday use enjoyable.

Current Status

Current V1 status = 95% on target (cloud solution)

Next steps:
> V2 (within the next 9 months)
- Marketplace integrations
- “on-site” & backup servers (physical hardware) + video-surveillance system
- Gamification & management interface

> V3-A (within a year)
- Geo-local datacenters
> V3-B (within a year)
- spacial-interactive task management (internal “pipe-line” system)


Our market is all small companies/businesses (under 10 employees), no matter where they are located in the world.
From recent market research in France alone, there are over 2 million potential clients for our product.
All insights and information that we have managed to collect show that small businesses are currently unsatisfied with the tools and solutions available to them and that they are looking for better solutions.
The demand for solutions adapted to their requirements is growing on an international scale (be it the EU, US, Asia, ...).
We have thus conceived our platform to be useable by any person that is running a business (or wants to start one), within legal age to do so (even though we have made things useable from the age of 7 upwards).

Problem or Opportunity

Current business management tools are targeted at large entities and are not accessible or available to small companies.
Most small businesses do not have the resources necessary to use such tools efficiently (be it in terms of financial or human resources).
On top of that, current tools are spread over a large variety of services and providers that are not centralized and require extra effort to correctly process data (and the data may get used by the providers for other motives).
Our platform combines all of the features that are needed to successfully run a business in one single system that fully protects all of a business' data while making use intuitive (an upcoming feature is a fully gamified platform interface so that "work" will seem more like a fun "game").

Solution (product or service)

We provide a PaaS/SaaS platform with several hosting options:
- pure cloud (in our data-center)
- on-site/on-premise (still in development)
- hybrid solution (cloud instance with "on-site" backups or the other way round)

The platform itself is multi-module based, including:
- business governance
- business performance
- e-commerce
- marketing tools
- communications
- collaborative "drive"
- e-mail management
- video-surveillance system

We are currently working on developing a more interactive interface with both a fully gamified interface and a "spacial-interactive" task manager


No true competitors in regards to everything that is included in our platform, but some features and elements are similar in other CRM and ERP solutions.
Our biggest advantage is the simplicity of use, unified platform and our upcoming gamified interface along with the "spacial-interactive" task management.

On the CRM and ERP dedicated markets, solutions such as Dolibarr, Bitrix24, Odoo are available and exist.
When comparing their offers to what our platform provides, we have very competitive pricing as well as other securities in place that they do not provide for their cloud-based solutions (i.e.: we have no access to our clients' data and what they store within their platform instance).

Advantages or differentiators

Single platform.
The instance belongs to the client, we are just the
All of the clients' data is protected and only belongs to them (we have no access to any of our client's data stored on their platform instance).
Fully gamified user interface.
"Spacial-interactive" task management.


Currently, our only source of revenue is fr om direct sales (based on a monthly subscription) and we are operating on a "cloud-only" model.
We have two licencing offers according to the number of platform instance users:
- licence One > base price of 149.90€/month (includes the platform and an initial accompaniment of 2 hours, everything needed for a single user to get up and running)
- licence "+" > 29.90€/month/additional user
Pricing for extra storage space for a client's instance is being evaluated to remain within an accessible range.
Pricing for specific development and/or additional accompaniment will depend on the buyer's location.
Prices are adapted according to the local market and wh ere sales will be realized (to remain accessible and adapted to each location).

Demand is high and we are looking to expand and grow as soon as possible.

Business model

Online sales, cold-calling, "door to door" and social media campaigns are our current channels.
We are finalizing an evaluation of successful methods to better define our marketing strategy.

We also sell our solution through partners and recommendations.

Money will be spent on

Additional human resources and physical hardware development ("on-site"/"on-premise" systems, video-surveilance, "spacial-interactive" interface)


We have identified 2 main risks:
- a similar solution could be developed by an existing company that already have large market shares, so we need to be quick about getting our product onto the market
- we do not have the required resources to get our entire project onto the market

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

TGP (Technopole Grand Potiers) incubation in France


Photo 1 - complete Business Management Services platform
Photo 2 - complete Business Management Services platform
Photo 3 - complete Business Management Services platform
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