2 step technology offers HVC system and air conditioning cleaning
Current Status
Haven't found a business yet to allow us to provide the service due to Dec and this Covid regulations.
Customer Segments-Businesses and any industries with HVAC systems or air
Market-Industries, malls, businesses and households.
Problem or Opportunity
Problem-We need to come every 3 months for servicing and upgrading.
Solution (product or service)
We can sell this to many businesses using ventilation and Air vac systems
And also provide solutions for households
Competitors-ACS- but we use different models.
Existing alternatives-non
Advantages or differentiators
Advantage-Easy to install and efficient and user friendly.
Differentiator-The methods of cleaning the HVAC system
They technology we use
The services we offer and the price we offer at.
Since its a service we bill on inspection and we provide purchaser with quotation of product to purchase themselves and we also bill on labor and call outs and monthly fees for service and renewals.
Business model
We approach companies with ventilation systems and then we move over also to the Employees -To provide cleaner healthier air. Give our customers absolute confidence in that 1 deep breath they need after wearing the mask.
Our business offers a technology none like other this technology cleans the air before you breath it in.
Money will be spent on
The Technologies used for cleaning the bacteria in the air and other items.