Photo - JobTwinner


making jobsharing work. for everyone.

Market: Internet and IT
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 21.06.2021
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JobTwinner is a jobsharing matching platform - like parship for business
Currently, part-time-career is hardly possible. Especially when it comes to taking the lead and responsibility, there is a lack of opportunities, structures and thus role-models of both genders. Jobsharing gives access to exciting jobs and creates continuity along the career path, specifically for working mums and dads.
For companies jobsharing is like a diversity boost - contributing to societal and cultural change.
JobTwinner connects (matches) people, who want to share a job and who are looking for a twin.

Current Status

We have designed a MVP which is currently programmed and ready for beta testing in July 2021. With this first "prototype" we are able to register users and gain immedeate revenue.
the current website allows free registration. in the first selected launch phase in Oct 2020 we were spot on our target group in terms of reach and sign-ups. we continually grow our social media community and enlarge our network


there are 4 key target groups:
employed academics in DACH, UK, Nordics, N-America and Canada
key target group: women --> mothers and fathers
as well as Gen Z and parts of baby boomer generation

Key target group phase 1:
a) highly skilled working mothers w/ younger kids
age 32-46
b) highly educated working fathers
age 36-46

Key target group phase 2:
a) Gen Z: age 20-28
b) baby boomers: age: 50 plus

Problem or Opportunity

making jobsharing work. for everyone: a perfect solution - easily accessible

JobTwinner makes jobsharing available for everyone and therefore enables part-time career.

In DACH Region approx. 70% of all employed women are working part-time. Job offers, especially for leading positions in part time on the other hand are rare.
So they have to make a choice between a job they don’t really like but it’s part time and a job they love and fit their skills but cannot have because it’s full time.
Jobsharing is like a key for part time working people as it opens the door to job offers which are usually adressed to full-time applicants.

On our platform part time employees can find their matches and apply together as a twin (with one virtual identity) for full-time jobs.

Companies are not just getting 1, but 2 great employees who can brainstorm and share ideas who can make that outcome even more productive than it would have been if they’ve hired a full time person.

Jobsharing opens up a new talent pool for companies.

Solution (product or service)

Today there is no b2c platform where people who want to jobshare can find their possible matches. This is where jobtwinner comes in:

JobTwinner is a user platform with a 3 dimensional algorithm to match people.
In the free version registered users have access to an online forum as well as to specific trainings for (female) leadership, female (self) empowerment, career planning, new work etc.
if the users wants to get to know their jobsharing matches the payment model comes in and after having completed the process, users see possible matches to reach out for a virtual get-to-know via e-learning.
After that both parties have to say "YES" to create the virtual joint ID and combined application documents/CV


There is no direct competitor as most of the jobsharing firms are working b2b either in consulting companies and or personal coaching of jobsharing tandems or with a SaaS
4 competitors are trying to do b2b2c which means they are searching companies who offer jobsharing positions and then search/match possible candidates.

the biggest player has moved from a jobsharing matching b2c solution to an SaaS and is no longer active in this field. which leaves an empty spot for JobTwinner and a further developed matching algorithm as well as the creation of a virtual identity of 2 to apply as one

Advantages or differentiators

the 3 dimensional matching algorithm based on professional qualifications, personality analysis and values
by creating one virtual ID the two part time job seekers can apply together on any full-time offered job as one. Their application and set of skills is much higher than just one person could ever offer.
double know-how and double brain power
2 x 50 is way more than 100
for companies jobsharing is opening a new talent pool:
It opens up a completely new recruiting field for companies towards diversity and talent game changer: especially with regard to the currently prevailing situation in the shortage of skilled workers

We are focusing on B2C because jobsharing is still not very established - neither for jobseekers nor within even progressive corporations. The founders designed not only a platform but also a process which is based on the users needs and the story already gained huge attraction by the main target group.


Fremium user model monthly fee
plus monetarization of corporate accounts and other channels

Business model

fremium user model

Money will be spent on

40% IT to further develop the matching and platform
30% Staffing
30% Marketing and Sales

Offer for investor

we are looking for a strategic partner, who can support with a strong network to corporations and know-how in building up community platforms with fremium payment models

Team or Management


if all states would reduce the normal working hour to 25hrs per week or less with full wage compensation
other competitors expand their current business model


Photo 1 - making jobsharing work. for everyone.
Photo 2 - making jobsharing work. for everyone.
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