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Become leaders with bigbandmethod and PEP

Market: Consulting
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 06.06.2021
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By combining completely inspiring teamevents with the bigbandmethod® and the subsequent qualification of managers through the coaching process of the braintreeacademy® to shining leadership personalities, we are shaping the world of the 21st century in a way that makes sense both ecologically and economically.

Current Status

The bigbandmethod® and the braintreeacademy® have been on the market since 2009 and have already inspired many customers. A selection: Charité Berlin, robatherm, Mercedes-Benz, Federal Foreign Office, Deutsche Bank.

The work is well advanced and the proof of concept has been done in all conceivable social systems: From school environments to prisons, medium-sized businesses to large corporations and even on behalf of the German Foreign Office in a former slum in Casablanca, Morocco.

All tools are described in a database of 400 tutorials and 4 booksProcess, infra and staff structure are defined.

The franchise manual and the franchise contract are available and there are 3 pilots since 25.05.21.


The first target group of braintreeacademy® Franchise GmbH are small and medium-sized companies in the D-A-CH area that have at least 50 employees and generate an annual turnover of 10 million euros or more.

In Germany alone, there were approximately 65,000 of these companies in 2018.

In recent years, our clients have invested an average of 9,000 € in the qualification of their managers through team development with the bigbandmethod® and coaching with PEP.

If there are enough franchisees who manage the D-A-CH region, the English-speaking market can be targeted next.

The second target group of braintreeacademy® Franchise GmbH are coaches, trainers and consultants for executives, managing directors and owners of medium-sized companies. The number of people calling themselves "coach, trainer or consultant" was estimated at around 9000 in Germany in 2018, of which only around 5000 were considered reputable.

Due to the Corona crisis, not only has the number of self-employed coaches more than doubled, but also - like the entire economy - it has experienced a massive digitalisation push.

Those who can coach, train and advise digitally and can draw on sophisticated tools, databases, workbooks and expertise are ahead of the game.

The e-learning market alone is predicted to have an annual turnover of €350 billion by 2025. Those who position themselves as experts here now will profit massively from the development.

Problem or Opportunity

The customer target group is divided into two parts. On the one hand, it consists of the medium-sized companies that have at least 50 employees and generate an annual turnover of at least 10 million euros and, on the other hand, coaches, trainers and consultants who want to become self-employed as franchisees with the brands, the coaching concept and the tools.

For the first customer group of medium-sized companies, the following problems are solved: The management team of the companies act on the basis of cooperation as problem solvers for all occurring problems in communication, leadership and control of and with employees, superiors, subordinates and customers. Because the tools taught and applied are so pragmatic that everyone can understand them and use them immediately, the managers bind customers, employees and ultimately themselves to the company. The sickness rate drops significantly and the need to constantly acquire and recruit new employees and customers is almost completely eliminated, because loyalty is created.

The managers of the companies act as qualified, luminous experts in their respective fields, who advise each other collegially on problems that arise and thus stand for the elimination of the well-known silo thinking.

In sum, this creates a new, agile corporate culture that binds, challenges and promotes the right people in the right place.

For the second client group of coaches, trainers and consultants, the following problems are solved: Since "coach" is not a protected term and anyone can have this designation printed on their business card as their "profession", coaching itself does not have a particularly good reputation. It is always a matter of luck whether one finds a capable coach or not.

Qualifying as a braintreeacademy® franchisee to run team events with the bigbandmethod® and coaching with PEP ensures perception as a coaching expert who has learned the craft of leadership and is in weekly supervision in the community.

Coaches in over 90% of cases do not have sound sales and sales training and therefore offer their services at completely inadequate prices. Through the weekly sales training and the high-priced sale of the service, all braintreeacademy® franchisees learn and live professional sales and distribution.

Through the professional marketing of external service providers in the areas of automation, social media, facebook and linkedIn ads, every franchisee sits in a lift that puts them in the pole position in their area.

Solution (product or service)

The braintreeacademy® Franchise GmbH offers 2 types of products:
1. team events with the bigbandmethod® - in analogue, digital or hybrid form with a duration of at least 2 hours to a maximum of 2 days, all participants experience what it is like to receive and give back the right thing in the right dose in the right place from the right person.

This experience triggers deep, emotional connection through cooperation, embodiment and focused stepping out of one's comfort zone and serves as the basis for the second phase of coaching the leaders with the tools of PEP - Processors Empowering People.

In this 2nd phase, the leaders receive and integrate all the reflection, communication, conflict resolution and general thinking tools they need to be able to directly solve all the problems that arise in everyday life.

This immense benefit makes the whole process extremely efficient, as it takes on average only 6 to 9 months and is perceived as useful, agile and adequate not only by the managers but also by the staff and clients.

As a result, what was once "new" quickly becomes the norm.

The coaches who become franchisees in their area have the advantage of excellent training, supervision and constant further education and qualification in all existing tools of the community and those to be developed in the future.

These are constantly available in the digital database and in the training books, coach guides and process structures, as all the material is digital.


Describe direct competitors and their market share. If there are no direct competitors, tell us about the alternatives that are now being used by your customers.

Since the bigbandmethod® and the braintreeacademy® are patented brands developed by the founder Sandra Weckert and the 42 tools of the Empowering People processors have either been developed by her or simplified so that everyone can understand highly complex models such as Spiral Dynamics, there are no direct competitors.

Companies book wine tasting or climbing, cooking or Escape Rooms as team events, which do not even begin to have the same inspiring effect.

In coaching, there are various providers in the market for leadership and management, but not of comparable quality, pragmatism, benefit and efficiency.

The Leadership Academy by Boris Grundl, the Leaders Academy or 9 Levels could be mentioned here.

Advantages or differentiators

The three indisputable advantages of team events with the bigbandmethod® and coaching with PEP are:
1. physical anchoring of the benefits of cooperation and concentration in an unforgettable way. The bigbandmethod® is unique and cannot be copied in sophistication.
2. through the immediately noticeable benefits of applying the pragmatised leadership, thinking and communication tools, leaders mature into shining leaders in less than a year and apply them in their everyday professional and private lives. The transformation is exemplified in a language that reaches every employee and family member because of the simplification.
3. employees adopt the application of the tools almost intuitively, even without a college or university degree. The reason for this is that music and drawn tools reach every person in their art.

The three indisputable advantages for coaches, counsellors and trainers to become franchisees:
1. you learn from scratch how to design and sell sales. In the application of these tools, each franchisee receives weekly supervision and continuous training.
2. braintreeacademy®'s toolbox is structured down to the last detail and is accessible in both analogue and digital form and is constantly being expanded in the databases and workbooks through new developments by the founder. In supervisions that take place twice a week, all questions, problems and challenges that arise are directly addressed and clarified within the community.
Being an expert in a coaching community and selling the service at a high price ends the lone wolf existence of coaches and replaces it with exchange, connection and lifelong learning in a safe community.


Our prices in the past years.
Team event with the bigbandmethod® Day workshop: 4000 € to 6000 € in our two branches.
Team event with the bigbandmethod® 2 day workshop at the client's location: 25000 €.
Coaching with PEP per quarter (twelve 90-minute weekly calls on zoom) Group participation in a group of 2 to 7 people: 3000 €
Individual coaching with PEP per quarter (twelve 90-minute weekly calls on zoom) € 6000
Franchisee admission fee: 35000 €
monthly commission from turnover: 11%

Acquisition of 10 franchisees in 2021
40 more franchisees in 2022
another 100 franchisees in 2023
with a monthly turnover per franchisee of 70000 €.

Implementation of team development with the bigbandmethod® and coaching with PEP in the hybrid braintreeacademy® hub in Wiesenburg / Mark
with a daily rate of 25000 € for groups up to 250 analogue participants, as well as unlimited number of participants in hybrid form for 149 € per participant and day.

Business model

About the founder:

Sandra Weckert is the inventor of the bigbandmethod®, founder of braintreeacademy® and the author of 4 PEP = "Processor Empowering People". With her unique method, she shapes and develops organisations, teams and personalities in a fun, efficient and sustainable way. In her trainings, active workshops and coaching sessions, top managers, executives and entrepreneurs learn to interact and har- monise in the same way as large orchestras do when performing complex musical works.
Her bigbandmethod® uses the various musical instruments to depict the roles in social systems in which everyone has to make their contribution to the sound with pinpoint accuracy. Sandra Weckert is a successful
Sandra Weckert is a successful musician, an excellent composer and plays 18 instruments herself.
She has developed and tested her tools, processes and infrastructures in productions for
in productions for theatres and broadcasting companies,
in schools in socially deprived areas or while working with prisoners on remand in Moabit Prison.
The combination of musical knowledge and skills with management and leadership know-how has led to commissions fr om the public sector as well as traditional medium-sized businesses, large corporations and the German Foreign Office.

Interview in managerrevie:

What exactly is behind "PEP"?
S.W.: "PEP" stands for "Processor Empowering People". 4 sequential workbooks contain 42 power tools, the use of which will ensure everyone's exit from a world in which 70% of employees have internally resigned and over 60% of managers complain that their employees are somehow "not functioning properly". The PEP show you how to get out of non-stop competition with everything and everyone, come to peace and solve all your problems as a leader immediately and efficiently. Did you know that more than 30% of the illnesses of managers are of a psychological nature? And that's a figure from before Corona....

Is that really the case? What exactly is the reason for that?
S.W.: It's because of a choice mankind made about 5000 years ago. At that time, we chose the organisational form of the ruling hierarchy, as it is perfectly represented in a pyramid. Today you see this form of organisation in every organisation chart. How would you define what exactly a pyramid actually is?

Help me out here...
S.W.: A pyramid is nothing more than a gigantic house for no less than ONE coffin. The coffin of the ruler. That is why the whole thing is called "hierarchy of rulers". Since no one can rule unless there are many who submit, the system creates a mindset of slaves in all of us.

Are you saying that I am a slave?
S.W.: Well... maybe you are still a slave. At the same time, by reading the PEP, you personally have already made your way out of it. And even if this realisation is mostly shocking, there are three pieces of good news. Do you want to hear them?"

Give it to me!
S.W.: 1. You are not to blame for the situation! You are not to blame if you have been influenced by a "Western civilisation", are younger than 5,000 years old and have attended one or more - any - schools. All three factors should apply to you. 2.
2) There is a parallel form of organisation that has always existed and will always exist, which mankind has chosen for the absolutely predominant part of its presence on earth - namely for about 200,000 years - the form of growth. 000 years - the hierarchy of growth. You don't even have to look for it, because you can feel it now, here and at any time. Your whole body, your individual organs, each of your cells, yes, even every atom in you works in this form of organisation. It is the opposite of domination, because it is based on cooperation. 3.

3. the exit from domination and the entrance into your growth to the highest and best possible version of your personality you experience with us as something so fun, horny, motivating, sexual and enriching that you can't get enough of it.

That's really good news! Why is that?
S.W.: Because the whole process is based on "Spiral dynamics" and with the bigbandmethod® in the first step all your needs on the three low levels of consciousness are fully satisfied. I use the music of the Rolling Stones, who summed up this need satisfaction perfectly in their credo: "Sex and drugs and rock ́n ́roll".
The hierarchy of domination - you remember - the huge house for exactly ONE coffin creates slaves. The growth hierarchy - you remember - your body, your organs, each of your cells - creates experts. And being an expert, in the role of your choice, at the instrument of your choice, surrounded only by other experts, all cooperating with each other, makes you feel lustfully what it is to be right, okay, loved and safe. Like the Stones: extremely lustful, very sexual and absolutely connected.

The word sex appears quite often in your vocabulary. Have you ever noticed that?
S.W. laughs.... Sure! Why do you think it works so well
in every system from prison to middle class to big business? I'm a Rolling Stones fan, a saxophonist, a singer and I conduct 1000-piece bands using only physical signals. That only works if you're not afraid of sexuality, on the contrary, you have to love it and live it.

Doesn't that polarise you a lot?
S.W.: Of course I do. On the one hand, because I don't want to deny myself, and on the other hand, to find people as customers who are not afraid of their own lust, their own bodies. of their own desire, their own body. Because developing people who reject their bodies and their sexuality is not in my field. I develop personalities, teams and organisations, my business is education and development and that only works on a physical level. "He who denies his drive denies the very thing that makes him human," Maus says in "Matrix."
S.W.: "Matrix" is just an example of the "kick in the butt" we all need to recognise our roles and our entanglements in the first place. All great leaders, inspirational personalities, role models have got this because without it you are not able to leave your hamster wheel. Look at the biographies of Gandhi, Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, then you will understand what I mean. We give the system this "kick in the butt" in a very pleasant way, namely by making music together, with the bigbandmethod®.
It works like a "big bang", the biggest emotional trigger you can imagine, flooding your whole system with serotonin and dopamine, making people howl with happiness, bringing together quarrelling, bitterly fighting parties and forming a "gang" that can and will achieve any goal together. All that's missing are the tools.

Tools? Do you train craftsmen?
S.W.: You could say that, yes! Leadership is a craft that has to be learned. In the ruling hierarchy - you remember - the huge house for exactly ONE coffin - no slave gets any tools. Especially no reflection, evaluation, structuring, communication or general thinking tools. If these were imparted, the slave would cease to be a slave. That is not at all
This is not at all the aim of the hierarchy of power, because without slaves it would cease to exist.

But the big companies constantly train their managers and employees in leadership and management.
S.W.: It's true that the market is full of leadership and further training programmes. But do you also know that often only 20% of the knowledge imparted there finds its way into practice? The transfer of knowledge - to put it mildly - works only moderately. Do you want to know why?

I can hardly wait...
S.W.: There are three main reasons for this:
1. the contents are so complex that they are understood by the studied manager, but not by the employee. After all, not everyone has a Bachelor's or Master's degree in psychology, communication or education. Put simply: Managers don't get the knowledge they impart out on the street.
The knowledge that the managers receive is really only "imparted", but not practised on a daily basis. Each of us has to practise new tools every day until they become the norm. Since the structures for this are not there, all trained leaders do exactly the same thing after two weeks at the latest as they did before.
The tools taught are not physically anchored. The desire to do so, the personal benefit and the avoidance of pain are missing.

And how do you solve this problem?
S.W.: 1. 42 tools are visualised, explained and described in my 4 processors in such a simple and user-friendly way that anyone can use them immediately. I learned this while working with prisoners in the Moabit correctional facility and at schools in Neukölln, wh ere you are not confronted with highly educated leaders, but with extremely heterogeneous groups, partly traumatised people, many of whom are illiterate. My leadership tools have been developed, tested and checked for functionality and effectiveness over more than 10 years. Believe me: if they work in prison and at Neukölln schools, they work everywhere.
All our coachees go through a process that has been structured down to the last detail for a whole year in routines that have been prepared daily for this purpose. The formerly "new tool" quickly becomes a lived normality, simply because you personally and privately benefit so much by using it, feel pleasure and avoid self-generated pain.
Like the music at the beginning, we put the tool we have learned into the body. Can you ride a bike?

S.W.: And just as well as your body can ride a bike, you can de-escalate conflicts, structure processes, evaluate work results, negotiate successfully - even with right-wingers, the responsible use of power as a leader and much more. And you will love it because the meaningful action is so pleasurable. Sex and Drugs and Rock ́n ́roll. - that's what the Rolling Stones call it.

Yes! It was so cool, next time I want to sing!
S.W.: I believe you right away! You're just a born salesman and that's good. You like the role of Mick Jagger as much as I do, don't you?

S.W.: There you have it: The Stones, by the way, will be 60 years old next year and are by far the most successful company in recent music history. This is due to the following three factors, among others: They are hard workers, use their bodies and know about the power of cooperation. And of course they live their credo every second of their lives: sex and drugs and rock ́n roll. In this way, they take care of themselves and the satisfaction of their basic needs. The rest comes almost by itself, you just have to keep at it and use the right tools. The result for you personally is not only a great show, but success, charisma and leadership all along the line.

Money will be spent on

An investment volume of 4.5 million is estimated for the purchase, conversion and expansion of the former 3-sided farm with large barn into the first hybrid braintreeacademy® as a hub for hybrid team development for up to 250 participants analogue and unlimited participants hybrid.
The expansion will take place in 3 phases and is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2023.
For the establishment of a powerful marketing and sales team for the acquisition, training and supervision of the franchisees, 5 employees are to be hired immediately and external service providers are to take over the social media marketing, further automation and digitalisation as well as investments in the placement of ads on facebook and linkedIn amounting to € 10,000 per month. The necessary investments amount to approx. 1.5 million € until mid-2022.

Offer for investor

The investor is offered a 25% share of the turnover until the investment is fully repaid. After repayment, the investor is offered a 20% revenue share.


One risk is that other coaches might try to copy or steal the bigbandmethod® and braintreeacademy® with the PEP. This risk should be countered with direct legal advice and warnings.

Another risk is that franchisees could embezzle the monthly commission by not reporting sales. This risk is to be countered by the obligatory cooperation with the tax consulting firm ETL Ms. Stefanie Hoffmann, which is written down in the franchise agreement.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

I did not participate in any incubation or acceleration programme.

Won the competition and other awards

In 2014 I was awarded the German Record Critics' Prize for the best children's and young people's audio book of the year for composing and recording the music for the children's and young people's audio book "Nur ein Tag".


bigbandmethod® since 2012
braintreeacademy® since 2012


Photo 1 - Become leaders with bigbandmethod and PEP
Photo 2 - Become leaders with bigbandmethod and PEP
Photo 3 - Become leaders with bigbandmethod and PEP
Photo 4 - Become leaders with bigbandmethod and PEP

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