Photo - Cloudonix Inc

Cloudonix Inc

Smart voice calls enable businesses to better serve customer

Market: Telecommunications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 30.05.2021
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Cloudonix’s smart voice calls enable frictionless experiences that drive better customer care and faster sales by merging voice and data into a complete service context. Cloudonix adds Cloud capabilities to your existing on premise Call Center enabling your agents to work from anywhere in the world. Security, Privacy and more – rapidly deployed and cost effective without replacing your existing systems or retraining your team.

Current Status

Service is commercial live, There are 75 paying customers which is a 60% increase since the end of Q1 2021 or a 1775% in year over year increase since Q2 2020.


We are currently concentrating on 2 market segments:
For Smart Web Calling we are targeting Sales and Customer care centers in the ecommerce vertical in North America and Israel with at least 50 employees. These are via direct sales and channel partners. There are an estimated 12 million – 24 million eCommerce sites across the entire globe, with more and more being created every single day.

For Work from Anywhere we are targeting any call center that has a requirement for work from home via our channel partners who either sell directly or migrate their existing customers onto our platform.

Current customers are in various verticals: insurance, telecom, cable, business services.

Problem or Opportunity

Prior to the start of Covid-19 related lockdowns we were helping customers connect to sales teams faster via our smart web calling as the statistics say that the longer a prospect waits to speak to someone the less likely they are to become a customer.
With call centers being unable to fully staff themselves we added an additional service that enables employees to connect to the existing on premise phone system (along with call recording and agent tracking) as if it was a cloud system - without any need to migrate the system or retrain the staff.

Solution (product or service)

We provide 2 primary services on our platform, Smart Web Calling and Work From Anywhere.
The Smart Web Calling enables faster time to purchase and reduced friction for prospects or customers by keeping the call context with the call rather than losing it by going to a dial-tone.

The first company to sign up for our Work From Anywhere solution was only at 20% active staff and losing business before contacting us, once they started using Cloudonix they were able to bring back almost the full remaining 80% of staff via work from home.

Additionally, more than 60% of our customers migrated from Twilio to Cloudonix for our better features and lower cost.


Twilio is the founder and largest company in this general space. Most of our current customers have migrated off of Twilio's service to Cloudonix.

Other players that we are compared to are:, Nexmo, Plivo, and Signalwire.

Advantages or differentiators

The competitors are either tied to phone numbers and services provided by another company, causing a higher price for more limited functionality; or completely ripping out the existing multimillion dollar infrastructure to migrate to their service.
The competitors are tied to the per minute pricing and will push customers to use those services to offset their expenses under their long term contracts. As we are all web based we do not need to do this and can offer better, flatrated solutions.

We enable the customer to bring their own services and phone company while offering more flexibility in how they build their own business.


Sales are on a freemium based SaaS annual subscription.
Prices are based on a combination of the number of users (registered devices) on the service (agents) and the number of concurrent calls.
Customers get a 14 day trial and then ramp up pricing via tiers as they deploy the service to their teams.

Prices for the first 100 Users supporting 10 Active Calls is
$4 USD per user + $25 USD/active call

Business model

Currently we are working on a combination of founder and channel partner sales. We have developed a repeatable sales process and are looking for an investment to build up our inside sales team.

Sales process:
- Pre-Sale Call
- Expert Sale Call
- 14 Day PoC
- 90 Days Rollout Pricing (Optional)
- Production Pricing

Our Growth Channels are:
- Solution Partners
- Integrated Service Vendors
- Inside Sales

Sales metrics for the past year
End of Q3 2020 sales over previous quarter were were up 133%
End of Q4 2020 sales over previous quarter were were up 171%
End of Q1 2021 sales over previous quarter were were up 63%
End of Q2 2021 sales over previous quarter are already up 160%

Money will be spent on

We are looking for funding to help the business grow more rapidly via
- Enhance Inside Sales
- Enhance Technical Staff

Offer for investor

We are looking for $3 million based on a pre-money valuation of $10 million

Team or Management


Most obvious but low probability: Twilio or another company will change their existing product and business model to match our service. Unlikely due to their long term contracts with phone carriers.

We will not grow fast enough to keep up with customer demand or fail to market enough for new customers to find us.

In some regions we are limited by local laws, for example only some of our services can be sold in India as they have legal limitations on use of VoIP services.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Cloudonix is an alumni of the following accelerator programs:
Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator NYC winter class 2019
365x Scale Up Israel Spring class 2020
MassChallenge Israel, Spring class 2020

Won the competition and other awards

- Cloudonix was named one of CIO Review’s 20 Most Promising Cloud Providers of 2019.
- Cloudonix was named one of CIO Reviews Top 100 Tech Startups for 2019.
- Cloudonix was named one of The Enterprise World's The Best Performing Cloud Solution Providers in 2020.
- Cloudonix was named one of the 2020 Global Excellence Award for Most Innovative Communications Applications Developer 2020 – USA.
- Cloudonix was named one of CIO Reviews Top 50 Tech Startups for 2020
- Cloudonix was named one CIO Views 10 Most Valuable Tech Companies to watch n 2021.
- Cloudonix was named one of The Most Admired Companies To watch in 2021 by The Business Fame magazine.
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