Mi Salud PLUS is a company that provides connection between patients with health professionals, medicines, laboratories and safe diagnostic aids through our technological platform, using telemedicine, home medicines, home laboratories, safe diagnostic aids and remote monitoring with devices.
We do risk screening and intervention.
The platform is free for healthcare professionals and providers.
Current Status
We have a working service; rigth now we are in pilot test with health insurance companies in Colombia.
People with health assurance or not, wich need health service quicly, secure at home. Corporative insurance companies that would like to change model of atentions theirs clients.
Problem or Opportunity
Many people in Latam have no opportunity acces to healthcare service or opportunity to specialist appoinment is more 30 days. In adition, with Pandemia, people have scared for physical appoinment.
Telemdicine and health delivery services are best solution to people acces healthcare and improve their health in secure way.
Solution (product or service)
Clients access directly our web page and app (in constrution), wher chose health professionals ranked by satisfaction, then payed, we send link to access videocall at time and hour chosen, and pay professional or provider inmedialtly, discounting our percentage. After atention, we send a survey and several electromic mails about prevention diseases according individual profile.
1doc3: Free call to doctors.
doctoralia: Doctor pay them to use platform
doctoraki: low cost specialist appoinment
Advantages or differentiators
* Alliances with medical associations.
* Delivery health services.
* Patients Screening risk and management it.
* Free for health professionals and providers.
* pay inmediatly health professionals and providers.
Our cost structure is light, because we only manage the platform. We have no invest in materials, medicine or another. Our operational utility is around 80% in each product. We have made a financial study for 5 years, with expantion in Latam.
Business model
We obtein a percentage from each sales for providers and professionals through our platform.
Money will be spent on
Montly operation: US 2.400
US 40.000 to digital marketing, adquire devices, software development (interoperability, big data and analitycs).