Photo - LT Energy Group SRL

LT Energy Group SRL

Energy LighT

Market: Other
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 27.05.2020
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Effective combination of IoT, hardware, software and AI will drive less human intervention and allow to focus on core work. Energy light - ELT, first of its kind for its innovative approach, is made out of hardware designed and integrated with state-of-the-art IoT technologies and communication systems. The system monitors, tracks and allows to remotely control streetlight/lamp post - energy consumption through cloud computing whilst collecting data from the environment thanks to sensors.

Current Status

1) Surveyed Municipalities (150 out of 172 interviewed expressed positive feeling and interest towards the technology through a cold phone call and or google forms liked our technology).
2) 10 quotations sent out from October 2019.
3) 1 quotation under negotiation phase.
4) Product demonstration made.
5) €10k fund-raised by founders + love capital (family friend etc.).
6) 10 letter of intent.
7) Coordinator of Horizon 2020 consortium made by 9 big companies.
8) Growing interest on our social media channels.


The target market was measured to be worth just over € 700 million globally.
LTEG concentrated on segmenting the market in Italy considering geographical and time-to-the-market reasons.
In Italy the Smart Lighting market grows and will grow for the next 5 years with a CAGR of 18%.
The Italian market, following careful market research conducted, was segmented as follows:
1) COMMERCIAL/SMEs (B2B): In Italy there are 606224 units. 30% of these have already been served; for a good 40% of these the ELT solution is not applicable. We consider 25% of these not interested in our solution. For these reasons, the available market is reduced to 30311 units. For this type of category, the solution is sold on average at € 5,000.00. Assuming a SOM (Serviceable and obtainable market) of 3%, the Market share would be worth € 4,546,650.00.
2) OPEN PARKS (B2B): This category includes outlets, large open car parks, and shopping centers. In Italy there are about 1158 units in total. Of these, 10% have already been served, 20% are not suitable for the adoption of the LTEG solution and 20% would not be interested. The remaining part, equal to 579 units, would be obtainable for 8% (LTEG Market share: € 1,111,680.00). In fact, an average solution would be sold for this category at a price of € 24,000.00).
3) INDUSTRIES (B2B): There are several large industries (also and above all those equipped with production plants) that operate 24/7 without interruption. In Italy there were 141 main industrial centers (in turn made up of several industries). According to the research carried out, 20% of these would already have provided solutions for the energy efficiency of their lighting network; while another 20% would not be interested, and finally for another 20% the solution would not be adoptable. An ELT solution in this category has an average value (sales to customer) of € 29,000.00. LTEG market share would be € 227.360,00.
4) PUBLIC (B2G): Administrations and public bodies. 7904 units in Italy, of which 10% already served, 30% not easily accessible in the short term because under contract with ESCO company for the management of the lighting network, another 30% are not interested. Of the remaining part equal to 2371 units, the group estimated to be able to obtain a 2% share. In this case, the solution was estimated sold at an average price of € 55,000.00 (LTEG Market share: € 2,608,100.00).

ELT solution not applicable can refer to:
• SME without its own lighting network
• Lighting network with number of light points below 3 street lamps
• Other specific situations

The factors that influence this market are:
• Awareness of rational and intelligent use of energy by public and private entities.
• Digital transformation.
• Smart city projects.
• Diffusion of technological platforms for remote management.
• Realization of the importance of data.

Problem or Opportunity

Electric energy consumption is one among the viable area that presents a good scope to reduce cost. Analysing this consumption pattern and periodical energy requirement will drive effective utilisation of the energy and reduce redundancies. Light infrastructure in cities, industries and commercial spots are in most parts not monitored or its purpose relatively not needed all the time. It's our challenge to identify usage patterns, a security requirement, effective utilisation techniques, design specific algorithm to suit the specific scenario. Thereby, increasing the scope of reducing energy consumption up to 80%. The indirect effects of this include low greenhouse gas emissions, eco-friendly impact, saves energy and hence cost.

Solution (product or service)

The innovative aspects of the solution, which will help solve customer problems, are as follows:
- It is a Plug & Play solution.
- Combination of technologies, hardware, IoT and Software, to keep track of consumption, data relating to traffic flow and energy consumption, to increase and decrease the intensity of light when and where it is needed (light on demand).
- Scalability and flexibility of the solution.
- Easy installation.
- Allows predictive and, therefore, programmable maintenance, both for private activities and public administrations.
- Huge economic and energy savings.
- Software to keep track of all data and to obtain periodic reports (daily, monthly or annual) relating to the outdoor lighting network.


The first 3 at global level that have a 1:1 competition (Indirect competition) relationship with LTEG are:

1) Telensa Ltd:;
Market share: 15%.
Headquarter: Cambridge (UK).
Offices in: USA, Australia.
Founded: 2005.
Dimension: 100 employees.
Revenue 2018: €23.7 mln (+4% su 2017).

2) Tvilight:;
Market share: 5%.
Headquarter: Amsterdam (NL).
Offices in: India.
Founded: 2012.
Dimension: 50 employees.
Revenue: n/a.

3) Interact:;
Market share: 2%.
Spinoff of: Signify Holding (ex-Philips).
Founded: 2018.
Dimension: n/a.
Revenue: n/a.

In Italy there is:
1) Reverberi Enetec:
Revenue 2018: €7.35 mln.
Headquarter: Castelnovo né monti (Reggio Emilia).
Dimension: 50 dipendenti.
Founded in: 1997.

Advantages or differentiators

1) LTEG can offer technology solutions 30% cheaper thanks to the “GRID CONCEPT”.
2) LTEG offers the possibility to have a turnkey solution by purchasing service packages along with the product (management, monitoring)
3) The competition focuses on B2G market and does not present solutions that can be customized and tailor made for B2G.
4) In Italy, the competitor solution is JUST LED conversion. LTEG offer an IoT smart technology solution. More efficient and smart than only LED.
5) EnergyLighT, guarantees up to 60% of energy saving compared to conventional and standard conditions. LED only up to 30 %.
6) The solution gives the opportunity also to small streetlights network owners to take advantage of saving. They can connect in a virtuous energy network. It is easy to and intuitive to use, flexible and scalable.


1) Product sales: Designing and engineering always, plus if requested commissioning and start-up.
a)The software fee is a yearly fee to be paid by customer.
LTEG applies a price to cover material and operational costs and applies a margin on it.
2) Subscription-based service: product plus service. The services can be:
a) Monitoring and management.
b) Contractual maintenance.
c) On-demand maintenance.
This is a time-based contract over more than one year over which LTEG is responsible for the services agreed.
The price applied is also agreed upfront and is the result of forecasted dedicated personnel costs plus a margin applied on it.
3) System upgrade: Product if new part are needed than the cost is the sum of material components plus personnel costs with a mark-up on top.
4) Software updates/costs: if the solution bought by the customer implies the use of software and cloud space, this costs are translated in yearly fees. The price is the cost LTEG has to pay to the software provider plus renting a server space with on top of it a mark-up.

The margin applied is always different and anyway depending on the complexity of the request, the same is applicable for operational costs. Operational costs are assumed for ease as average between 50-55% of the sale price. The margin has been assumed for calculation purpose as average between 55-60%.

Business model

Defined the customer profile, the team started creating a prospect customer database mainly within the national borders. This represents our potential pipeline. The solution is to be sold and promoted mainly offline, although the online communication channels are still of a relevant role to earn trust.
More specifically the customer acquisition strategy is made of:
1) Take advantage of validating our Market research.
1A) Survey and interviews including more than 150 entities (public and private) to open first communication channel and create awareness.
1B) Follow up with a 1:1 presentation.
2) Webinar sessions about our product and services.
3) Fairs and events.
4) Pro-active approach:
4A) Cold phone calls.
4B) Emails marketing campaign.
4C) Newsletter.
5) Web site page.
6) Developing and spreading our brochure.
7) Social media to earn trust.
8) Free demo and pilot tests.
9) Distribution channels.

Money will be spent on

For the first round, the money will be spent on:
- Equipment acquisition.
- Office rent.
- Customer portfolio creation.
- Team Implementation.
- Purchase of raw materials.
- Utility costs.
- Insurance and legal fees.
- Warehouse.
- Marketing costs.
- Research and Development (R&D).

Offer for investor

We would offer investors a percentage from 5% to 30%, corresponding to € 50k-€ 300k. € 10k for each percentage point.

Team or Management


Below are listed internal and external risks to the company:
• Technology awareness from prospect clients (risk level: medium; mitigation: run of demo versions e pilot tests).
• Inclination to digitalization (risk level: medium; mitigation: showing advantages and benefits evidences).
• Sensitivity towards sustainability (risk: low; mitigation: sensibilization and awareness marketing campaign).
• Resale channels capabilities (risk level: medium; mitigation: training sessions and constant support).
• Fiscal facilitations for processes digitalization, and for sustainability efficient work (risk level: low; impact: high; mitigation: specific payment terms).
• Competition (risk level: medium; mitigation: development of new product lines, IP (intellectual property) investigation, or new features).
• Regulation (risk level: medium; mitigation: updates for conformity and compliance of products and services offered)
• Suppliers relationships (risk level: medium; mitigation: supplier trainings attendance).
• Team skills, capability and knowledge (risk level: low; mitigation: know-how acquisition from partners and suppliers plus research and development).
• Success in attracting investment capitals (risk level: medium; mitigation: spread activities along time according to budget availability).

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

1) Partecipation at the Forward Accelerator Programme, in Birmingham (UK).
2) Partecipation at the EIC - Green Deal Programme, in Europe.
3) Partecipation at the R&I Fundation Programme.

Won the competition and other awards

1) We have been selected among many start-ups to participate in the Forward Accelerator Program in Birmingham (UK), with the possibility of being financed at the end of the course.
2) We have been selected to be part of the R&I Foundation.
3) We won the E-Qube tender in Florence, joining the community and participating in meetings with investors.
4) Partecipation at the Horizon 2020 MG-4-7 call.


Photo 1 - Energy LighT

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