Photo - Sminhealth


Better communication with patients

Market: Computers, office equipment, Medicine
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 05.10.2020
Min amount of loan
$  500.000
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80 % a year
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$ 1.000.000
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Is more than a better Healthcare software, it improves the communication between patients-nurses and doctors. Sign tedious declarations of consent during the anamnesis interview and send them directly to the person concerned, without any paperwork and smooth scheduling.

Current Status

• Integrative communication tool at the patient's bedside to stop examination costs that do not exceed the DRG flat rate and to manage declarations of consent quickly and securely. Less costs by avoiding the cancellation of examinations due to a lack of consent. Examinations are usually registered before the patient agrees.

I need to find people which create with my that software, program and staff for marketing


Ad hoc translators from the institutions or family members are brought in. In addition, institutions in the social and educational sectors often work directly with intercultural translators, which is why these services do not appear in the statistics of the FOM. In such internal solutions, quality assurance, especially with regard to the further training and supervision of intercultural translators, is often a weak point.

Problem or Opportunity

At the moment there is no problem, because there is already nothing exists in communication tools for bedside communication which is integrativ


There are a lot of softwares at the moment in healthcare sectors, but are they compatible with others? are they stable? no, I will declare what is the problem about in pitching sequences

Advantages or differentiators

1. More than one translation option, without using rare of dolmetschers
2.Declare the symptoms while using body part animation sequences,Qualitative criteria built in for each location in order to obtain differentiated descriptions of the symptoms. Suitable for people with dementia through built-in visualization aids. Pattern recognition of the symptoms.
3. Patient safety Send option: directly to the desired instance (e.g. declaration of consent for gastroscopy) available in the E-Doc, which can be called up again and again
Integrate barcode of patient identification to support security

How does it look like and where to apply? Open Adaptable on Every Tablet or including as a Tool in the Patient e-Doc


If we understand patients needs, we reduce overuse of Investigations:$
In 2016, the statistics showed total costs of CHF 80,499 million.

improper medication expenditure due to poor communication between patient and doctor According to Muheim et al. (2018), the potential savings from excessively high-dose proton pump blockers in gastroesophageal reflux diseases is CHF 70 million per year.

Efficiency potential due to a reduction of 63 ineffective services9 to Switzerland results in annual savings potential of CHF 537 million

Assuming that the number of CT and MRI examinations performed in the reference countries corresponds to needs-based care in Switzerland, the efficiency potential in the field of outpatient radiology is between CHF 114 million (compared to France) and CHF 416 million

No calculations could be carried out for countries such as Germany, Austria and Italy because the information on the number of CT and MRI examinations was incomplete.

Loan terms

12 months

Interest rate, %


Business model

My business model is existing, but I need to know what happened with the implementation, and how it generating the winnings for healthcare systems in costs, better diagnosis and so on... we need to study this, because this idea is equal and at this time not exist.

Solution (product or service)

Interactive tool for improved bedside communication in face-to-face meetings. Concrete anamnesis helps to determine appropriate examinations or therapy units without starting unnecessary preliminary examinations.

Interpreting services against language barriers:
In order to overcome language barriers, the use of interpreters is recommended. Ideally, these are professional interpreters who have the necessary know-how, because interpreting in the healthcare sector is demanding (Bischoff, 2003). In Switzerland, a certificate was therefore introduced in 2004 and the specialist certificate for intercultural translation in 2009. This ensures that the interpreters have the necessary expertise to work in the healthcare sector. Since 2011, the Zurich Asylum Organization has been offering a telephone interpreting service with the support of the Federal Office of Public Health. It offers translations in up to 50 languages ​​around the clock and facilitates access to professional interpreters.
However, professional interpreters tend to be rarely used (Bischoff & Loutan, 2004; Schen-ker, Perez-Stable, Nickleach, & Kar-liner, 2011). This is already evident in inpatient care. Although there is a regular need for professional interpreters in larger institutions, many hospitals do not have barrier-free access to interpreting services. If caregivers do not have access to professional interpreters, they use other people. Most of these are relatives and friends of the patients or multilingual colleagues (Bischoff & Steinauer, 2007). But they are not always available either. Caregivers cannot therefore always overcome language barriers. The analysis of the existing interpreting services shows that implementation is more difficult in the hospital setting. Accordingly, an integrative tool is suitable and provides added value for fast and clear communication with one hand.

Team or Management


-->compatibility all around the world, because of other system philosophies

Won the competition and other awards

not yet, but I already pitched with a bit success
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