Online social communication service for pupils of Indonesia. With work on modest feature to put on extensive as users of the service might have with decision as appealing excess as presence on field of dating as referring with customs on distinctive as disputing message on offers with the moderation.
Current Status
Working on extensive of plan on mobile apk customs as expect to lauch as soon within the marketpoace of 100 cities in indonesia.
Pupils of Indonesia as they might lives as residence of 100 cities and villages in Indonesia.
Above spare of range of customs with personal profile to helps as defining of one as fine as securing worse with waste of uses with resource on possession.
That our strategy on marketing tasks on compliance might be as occupying of use with modern and traditional marketing style to reach of potential investors and customers in Indonesia.
Problem or Opportunity
To work as preparing works on development with the future service on reference and administrative system for officials.
As the service to reach of pupils within 100 cities in Indonesia, the presence of administrative tools help as developer to work on distinctive of returns with the drawing as expecnting to manage with the continusous terms of delivery tasks of service with briefing team from marketing table.
Advantages or differentiators
Offers of customs with modest feature of Navigation and Notification as users might gains with least on expends as managing tasks of evaluation.
Users might dispose of risks as rejecting ideas to involve in worse customs of situation as casuals on fact as they might reject profile on submission from new users on moficiation,
Investors might gains as least of 5 times on comparison with invesment funds on dispute with the DOGEM project.
Loan terms
24 months
Interest rate, %
Type of pledge
Real estate
Pledge and assets
Visual and symbolic assets with customs of valuation as closed with the limit of number 70 billion of USD.
As we have more on raws with available lodge of resource on extensive with different terms of absence on tasks with initial entrance into the business with the project plan on DOGEM apk, complied with uses of differrent scheme of modification as extending of more with notion on papers and different release of statistical index on literacy as those helps with chance on our team of developer to gains with more of option on future entrance as the complete of terms with the project to work on extensive or expensive as modifying with the different shift of stage on moderation as applying of details with the frame work as the uses on good possession of reference with the modest paper as release from our research table of briefing with expert on field as the business schedule on customs of modulation.
Business model
As point of assumption we use to put that users of instagram in indonseia reach of 50 million customer.
Facebook have with 100 million users from Indonesia.
Solution (product or service)
To enter field of business as DOGEM work on customs as appeals on ideal issues with casuals point of objective.
Team of developer might work on manage also with the chance as reqruiting more of member with the directorate as they might helps as expertise field on different basics of ideal science that they might be as fine to comes as they might have just begins as attains within the field of business with us for the DOGEM project.
To compete as preparing expends to cover the limit of target to commit on tasks as different returns on excess with the briefing team might have with distinct on expertise with the science and technology as we use to work in customs of secure transparent field on appealing queries on modification.