The idea of the project is to clean large waters through the introduction of cryptocurrency and investors, also around the world a huge number of potential partners and investors, the project has a great future in the right hands. The project has no analogues. Profit in the ad is listed as 0, as the project has not been started. It would not make sense to sell the project after launch....
Current Status
At the moment, the project is not profitable, as the token has not been listed and is not legally secured, but only marketing investments are required, as all the fundamentals are already in place
The advert gives approximate numbers that will be after good marketing and going out on the exchanges (+ 4-6 months)
target audience - crypto-enthusiasts, people supporting ecology, one of the goals of the project is to gather these two target audiences in one place. Everything unusual is genius
Problem or Opportunity
In the future. you can create a marketplace with your own nfts that will attract even more people to the project itself
Solution (product or service)
Creating partnerships with themed companies around the world, listing on popular centralized exchanges, maintaining social networks, marketing investments, finding investors and influencers
No competitors
Advantages or differentiators
The advantage is that the project has no analogues on the market
Future sources of income will be - token after listing on exchanges, prtsovents from commissions during trading, interest from investments, funds received from nft marketplace, if you create it
Money will be spent on
Development of the project itself
Offer for investor
Your investment will be your payment for the project, since the base of the project is ready, you can further hire a team of marketer, solidity developer, fullstack developer and social media marketer to take the project to the top
The risks are minimal as again the project has no competitors and the potential is to give birth to a new branch of development in the digital world. Just think about it, nature and digital technology in one bottle