We build the ChatGPT moment of robotics - intelligent humanoid robots with general task capabilities to assist humans in building a more inspiring tomorrow.
Current Status
We were the first to integrate GPT into a humanoid robot. Our robotic foundation model roadmap and our from scratch developed robotic hardware is a key systems achievement to pave the way to general task capability.
Problem or Opportunity
Labor shortages across industries affect quality of products, of life and progress in society. Existing automation solutions are too narrow in their task capabilities and cannot keep up with the demand.
Solution (product or service)
A general purpose humanoid robot that can take on basically any type of labor as a human can take on without extensive task specific setup or training. We are leveraging the common sense reasoning abilities of foundation models to enable general task capability and an in house developed novel humanoid robot system.
Business model
Unlike other robotic solutions that focus on single applications, we develop a system with general task capability that will open up an unprecedented business model for robotics. Without dedicated training or setup our solution is capable of delivering on demand labor.