Photo - Soliddd Corp.

Soliddd Corp.

We’ll give sight to hundreds of millions of blind people.

USA, New York
Market: Virtual and Augmented Reality
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 15.03.2023
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The worlds first true vision correction for macular degeneration. Software optics that will enable hundreds of millions of blind people to see.

Current Status

We have three customers in defense, displays, and AR headset industries for interim applications of the core technology, and expect $6+ million in revenue in 2023. Our first vision-health-oriented headset prototype is expected in 2024.


1)Vision health.

2) AR glasses for all applications.

3) VR glasses for all applications.

4) Flat, wide aperture telephoto for eyeglasses, binoculars, smartphones, professional cameras, surveillance, laser targeting, and 3D object detection at distance for autonomy.

5) Video production software (for color correction and image warping on large displays per camera position) for virtual sets used in broadcast TV, videogame and motion-picture production.

6) Advertising and entertainment (for large light-field displays).

7) Desktop-size light-field displays for CAD, surgery, gaming, and other applications.

Problem or Opportunity

We accomplish the first adaptive optics for truly workable vision correction for macular degeneration, astigmatism, diplopia, and other eye conditions from what feel to the wearer like normal eyeglasses. Up to a third of humanity will get functional vision for the first time from our technology.

Solution (product or service)

Our thin, patented, inexpensive to make optics work like a perfected pinhole array to approximately collimate normal white light and allow us to do continual fundus photography with accurate 3D mapping, and so get a better understanding of health issues even than most ophthalmologists see today. Then we can aim light from a display through the same optics with pinpoint accuracy to adapt images on a micron scale and compensate for misshapen cornea, retinal issues, macular degeneration, diplopia, etc.


1) Ocutrx
2) Eyedaptic
3) IrisVision.

Some small additional and similar companies. All use AR or VR headsets made by large manufacturers and adjust imagery in limited ways to aid visualization. All are far technologically inferior to Soliddd's technology.

Surgery is also an alternative for a number of conditions we treat but offers limited to no benefits for most patients.

Data Bridge Market Research says the low vision aid device market was worth $542 million in 2022.

Advantages or differentiators

Only Soliddd can do adaptive optics vision correction for macular degeneration, astigmatism (even when very severe), diplopia (again even when severe and variable throughout the day), retinitis, glaucoma, etc. Only Soliddd delivers light to the eye in full focus at infinity, without need for objectives correcting for myopia or far-sightedness. Only Soliddd delivers a wide field of view, eyebox and ey relief comparable to normal corrective eyeglasses. Only Soliddd delivers AR graphics as bright as any daylight. Only Soliddd can continual OCT and highly accurate mapping of the eye's interior continually during normal all-day wear. Only Soliddd can do the most accurate gaze tracking via retinal imaging that is needed for most efficient foveated rendering and use of power and data. Only Soliddd can make the overall thickness and weight of the headset comparable to normal eyeglasses.


2023 revenue streams:
1) Flat telephoto lens licensing: Customer Orqa FPV modeled at 1,000 units @ $1,000 per unit. Actual expectation up to 60,000 units @ $1,000 per unit. Other licensees also expected among profeessional camera makers, integrated sensor/camera board suppliers, and binocular suppliers. Potential other licensees among all smartphone makers.
2) Video production software. Customer Neoti expects to resell several large enterprise licenses plus annual license fees per customer of $1,500 with recurring revenues of $1,000 per year. We expect a universe of about 100,000 customers over the initial three years of product life, eventually growing to a universe of about 1,000,000 users.
3) Additional revenues are likely from large light-field displays and military-oriented night-vision goggles, but are not modeled.
2024 revenue streams: All of above plus licensing fees from at least one large reselling customer in the business of manufacturing AR or VR headsets, plus software license fees with recurring monthly revenue from consumers for vision correction software.
Costs: Virtually all IP development and software development in 2023. 2024 and beyond will bring additional expenses in sales and marketing, and potential additional legal costs in patent enforcement.

Business model

We license our optics and sell contract-manufactured lenses to large electronics company and digital health customers and then license software as a service to consumers that works on our licensed eyeglasses platform.

Money will be spent on

Patent expenses, software development, prototype and demonstration unit development, costs of sales.

Offer for investor

3-year convertible note at $10 million post cap and 20% discount to the next priced round. Raising at least $1 million with term sheets already committed for $1.25 million. We may raise as much as $2 million in this seed round.

Team or Management


The best technology doesn't always win! We must execute on our product development and delivery and continue to get the right partner and sales relationships as we grow. IP theft risk is real; we may face large international competitors who steal our IP and need to battle them in courts for a very long time.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

New York University Endless Frontier Labs
Entrance and membership in the highly competive Startup New York program for 5 years.


12 US patents issued, 7 additional US patents pending. Multiple international extensions of these patents.
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