NFTY represents the culmination of a highly diverse team brought together to provide a novel solution in uncharted reputation technology. By leveraging decentralization and a unique financial incentiv
Current Status
The Dapp is built out with a bootstrapping budget of roughly $500,000. We are fully functional with an actively growing user base. This completes phase 1 of an exciting 18 month roadmap.
Problem or Opportunity
Blockchain project, Tokens and NFT'sfail to replicate the quality validation mechanisms that exist in the real world. There is no aggregate scoring system to protect the buyer.
Solution (product or service)
NFTY eliminates these technical barriers by providing a reputation layer. By adding a review process scams and fraud can be reduced.
Business model
Our network supports Blockchain projects and in return gets 2.5% tand upwards of 50% of the net sales and 7.5% goes to the Users that review. This is truly a Web 3.0 solution.