Tennisist App is a global tennis platform uniting tennis players, coaches and clubs. Players all around the world will be able to book a tennis court, find a coach and play tennis on the same day.
Current Status
Closed beta launched. iOS and Android app versions ready to soft-launch in US by the end of July/beginning of August. A US-based company Tennisist Inc has been incorporated. Hard commitment from for a partial coverage of this round, as well as from one of the Co-Founders, an Olympic tennis champion Elena Vesnina.
Problem or Opportunity
Amateur tennis is very outdated. People normally look for a hitting partner through friends or at best through social media channels. Coaches look for new students through word of mouth or through Instagram posts. Finding available tennis courts takes a lot of time. Tennis clubs still keep all their tournaments on paper or in excel spreadsheets, at best.
Solution (product or service)
We are solving all of these problems within 1 app and just 2 minutes of your time using our super friendly UX. Players can find a suitable hitting partner, hire a coach with a good review, book and pay for a tennis court in a few clicks, sign up for a tournament the following weekend and win prize money. Coaches have their own profiles, tennis courts have integrated user-friendly CRM systems, club owners can create a custom event right from the app. It's basically a win-win-win-win situation, all in a single environment, which is not offered at the moment by anyone in the world.
Business model
B2C, subscription based freemium model, monthly/annually billing, $10 average subscription price