We are a global community of 100K+ AI enthusiasts with a mission to educate and build AI for all.
Current Status
- Impacted 100K+ learners from 150+ countries with free data science courses and bootcamps
- Disbursed $100K+ cash prizes to the community for solving various AI challenges
- DPhi’s community-driven AI crowdsourcing offerings have fostered breakthrough innovations among several organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 500s, including Alibaba, Capgemini, Trell, bitsCrunch, and many others.
Problem or Opportunity
Over 340B+ was spent on AI in 2021and there is a lot of hype around it. But in reality, there is a lack of industry-ready talent and a lack of awareness of data practices. Moreover, over 85% of AI projects fail to deliver business impact.
Solution (product or service)
Started a global AI community with a mission to educate and build AI for all.
Business model
- AI Challenges/Hackathons for Companies (B2B)
- AI models marketplace (AI model as a service - SaaS) - volume based monthly subscription