Create a platform where retail stores can live-stream their products easily and without risk. We make it as easy as possible for you so that you can concentrate on your strengths, advice and sales. We create a place for customers where they can have an extraordinary online shopping experience and discover the treasures of stationary retail for themselves.
Current Status
The concept for the implementation was developed together with retailers. A GmbH was founded and a cooperative design was created. There is already a clickdummy, which is the basis for the programming. In addition, retailers have already been won over for the prototype phase.
Initially, we focus on small stationary retailers in Germany, from the fashion sector. The main target group of customers are women between 20 - 40 years.
Problem or Opportunity
The problems for retailers are that they are virtually invisible digitally. They often lack the knowledge and capital to make this possible. In addition, online shopping is contactless and offers no entertainment factor.
Solution (product or service)
With uhlala, stationary retailers also become visible to a large number of customers and offer an entertainment option for customers with the livestream. In addition, they have personal contact with customers and can advise and inspire them.
Currently, there is no real market for livestream shopping in Germany. There are some developments in the area like Amazon Live, Instagram Live and LiveBuy. Their approaches to livestream shopping are not particularly user-friendly.
Advantages or differentiators
We focus exclusively on brick-and-mortar retailers, creating a digital pedestrian zone that creates an extraordinary shopping experience.
Revenue is generated from the sales commission. A fullfilment offer is to be added later. The largest costs are incurred in the IT area, marketing and customer support.
Business model
A sales commission of 10 percent is due for each turnover.
Money will be spent on
Not attracting enough retailers or customers to the platform.
Offer for investor
I would make the offer of a bill loan, as it is currently very difficult to value that company.