Photo - Mazmobi


All in one shared mobility vehicles

Market: Internet and IT, Transport, Services
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 03.10.2021
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We are a tech company that develop a Shared Mobility platformed to include all kind of vehicles and integrate with other mobility suppliers to offer all options in just one APP.

Current Status

We start the comercial effords on May and have at this moment 5 custumers, Our first paying customer sign in July and focus on closing the next deals.
Our sales just start and they are low, just 600 USD a Month but plans to grow in October with new alliances.


We start focus on the Corporate Market. Companies that have a car fleet of 100 to 1,000 and the ones we know use the Temporal Vehicles.
In México, the market for temporal cars is value in 450 million USD and there are no validated numbers on the value of micromobility, light vehicles or small trucks (Pickups to 3.5Tons trucks). Globally Shared mobility market is value in more than 7.8 Billion USD in 2020 and will reach a value of more than 480 Billion in 2030 (Base on reports by Mckinsey, Goldman Sachs y BCG)

We just sign an alliance with a Co-Working company in México, and we will offer the service to their customers, to reach more than 20,000 people in 12 cities. This is a good aproach because this kind of companies already know the concept of "not owning" and a Co-Working is a shared office, so we will offer them a shared mobility.

Problem or Opportunity

Companies always requiere temporal vehicles, for this reasons mainly:
- New employees that need a vehicle to do their jobs
- Short term projects that requied vehicles
- Vehicles out of operation for maintenance
To solve this problem, companies use the service of :
- Daily Rental vehicles with the complex process to reserve, insurance and poor Customer experience
- Leasing companies, the ones that have their vehicle administration, but the main problem is the time of respond, that could take 1 to 3 days

Our solution offer them the posibility to reserve the closest vehicle, authorice it by the administrator in minutes and the user could use the vehicle. No paperwork, no Credit Card blocked and more control.

Companies are paying for the service at this moment, so offering them a more agile service for the same cost and in locations closest to the user is a benefits for them to keep movint the employees and dont stop the operationn

Solution (product or service)

We develop a Shared mobility platform, that can include any kind of vehicles, from scooters, to trucks, so we can offer all options of vehicles to the customers. With this in mind and the project to create mobility hubs, the customers will be able to give acces to the employees to different options of mobility, not just cars or trucks, but micromobility options for the last mile trips.
One of the main points of our business model is that we are not buying vehicles for the platform, we are creating alliances with vehicle dealers so they own the vehicles, upload them to the platform and share the profit fo each trip.


Our main competitor are the Daily Rental companies (Hertz, Avis, etc) for cars. For larger vehicles there are some specialized companies that offer the service of rental.
Indirect competitors are the Leasing Companies, because they offer substitute vehicles to their customers, but at the end, what this companies do is hire the Daily Rental companies for this.

Advantages or differentiators

Our main differentiation is the technology we create to offer the service, there are SaaS for shared mobility, but its expensive and you get just what they offer, not the option to develop new features or integrations.
Integration is another great differentiator, we just sign with Greenlines to integrate and Quantify carbon reduction on share vehicles trips, something no one is doing here. We have plans to integrate with a "white label" Carpooling, to offer it as our own solution for employees.
The advantage for the customer, is that they pay if they use it, and for the vehicle dealers, because they receive income for their park inventory.


To defince the price of the service, we make a Market research to have the same price a Daily Rental company offer on corporate contracts to the customers. The main difference is that the insurance we have, is a full 100% coverage (no payments in caso of accident or carjacking).
The model we have is that 80% is for the vehicle dealer and 20% is for us.
We have in projections to sell at least 20 Million USD just in México in 2024, but there are other products and plans to expand that will make this grow.

Business model

Our model is shared economies. We develop the platform so the owners of the vehicles can upload them and our customers use them. This will help us to grow without the need of invest on vehicles, like a Marketplace of mobility. There are plans to offer our platform as a "White label" to leasing companies, so we became suppliers of temporal vehicles to their customers.
Our main chanells to reach customers is by direct sales, phone, mail and Linkedin. We also sign and agreement with the Fleet Manager Asociation in México so we are helping them promote their services and we have access to the Fleet Managers to offer our service.
The main Metric we are defining are:
# of Customers
# of Vehicle Dealers
# of Users

Money will be spent on

Cloud / Hardware 6%
Dev Team 28%
Adm Team 21%
Operation expenses 6%
External services 4%
Expansion 34%

Offer for investor

We are very close to finish this "Angel Investor Round" and the benefits for this stage will not be the same that in next rounds, so its the best moment to invest.
For the 50,000 USD we offer 4% of the company

The plan is to go for the next round at the begining of 2022, with a much higher valuation

Team or Management


The main risk is on the dealers, because its taking to much time to close each one and make them undesrtand that his kind of business models are growing on other countries and they need to stop thinking only on selling vehicles and diversify on shared mobility and subscription models.
Technology is not a risk, because there are other solutions, but all are focuse on shared mobility, but we are developing new solutions to complement it and integrate with others.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Not at this moment

Won the competition and other awards

We won in November 2020 the first price of the Meraki Business Award as the most innovation project.


Photo 1 - All in one shared mobility vehicles

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Problem or Opportunity
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Advantages or differentiators
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Business model
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Offer for investor
Team or Management
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Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Won the competition and other awards
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