It is a user-owned decentralized social network that lets you follow content from conventional social media and turns any mainstream social account into a wallet you can send tips to.
Large social media organizations are called social, while they actually hold a pretty tight control over what users can see, share, say, and how they can monetize their content. Users do not get to own, nor to decide much.
Solution (product or service)
Myriad proposes a DAO-driven social platform to integrate social data in a federated way, while transactions are managed on-chain. Myriad aims to be extensible (chat and metaverse modules on the way), user-modifiable, and the base of a user-managed ecosystem of communities. Its first iteration offers crypto tipping for Myriad-native and off-myriad social posts. Soon to come: mintable content and DAO driven communities.
Business model
Fair transaction percentage (DAO decided) on tips. (Future application to NFT trades and marketplace features for maintainers).