Hunters is the first LIVE game of it's kind pushing people to explore their city by solving clues and creating content while getting rewarded at it in straight cash and other perks
Current Status
still in the prototype phase
Problem or Opportunity
For players (B2C): 1. there no proper live game that's interactive and based on reality (most of scavenger tresure hunt apps or "dare" based apps are fictional) 2. there is no REAL reward system For Brands (B2B) 1. drive unique content based on your brands 2. real engagement 3. developing a game can be financially exhausting and that game is normally used once and shelved
Solution (product or service)
Hunters is a game that is similar to Pokemon Go but instead of hunting Pokemon, players will hunt clues or perform tasks, create easy content and collect rewards in the form of cash or other perks you can play with your friends by forming a team or challenge them or even challenge other teams
Business model
It's free for players, we collect: * Campaign fees from participating brands * Fee per action (example we charge 5$ per content) * in-game Items sales (example: customized avatars, or trophies)