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AI Chatbot, LiveChat, Voice and Social Media communication

Market: Information and media, Telecommunications, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 27.08.2021
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Idea is an AI powered all in one communication platform that includes AI Chatbot, Voice Assistant, LiveChat and Social Media integrations like Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Whatsapp. offers not only basic level of chatbot but an end-to-end sales experience with payment integration only by chatting. The firm can use on websites with easy-to-install web widget or on mobile phones with mobile development kits (SDK). With an advanced admin platform, it provides analysis on usage, conversations, customers.

Current Status

The product is already on the market. People can signup and start using on Key sector is travel, tourism and leisure. Key customers are hotels and online travel agencies. Targeted hotels will be in Europe and Turkey. The chain hotels would be advantageous with their number of hotels. There are almost 50 hotels which are using for various purposes like communication inside the hotels, and the employees.

Market started as all-in-one communication platform not only for travel and tourism sector but also for all the e-commerce platforms that may bots on their websites and social media platforms. Within time, it attracts travel sector much more than the other sectors. For this reason, concentrates on the call center problems of hotels around the World with its being multilanguage and serving with affordable prices.

There are over 700,000 hotels and resorts worldwide. The industry is thriving and worth over $570 billion worldwide. As the statistics shows that the number of hotels in the European Union (EU-28) is around 205.000 hotels. There are over 6.83 million in bedrooms in hotels and similar accommodation in the EU. Italy has the highest number of rooms in Europe with 1.092.758 hotel rooms. Turkey has 693.162 hotel rooms. aims to reach to the greatest number of hotels in Europe in 2021 and 2022. First, the product will be free to reach to the highest number of hotels in Europe. More than 50000 hotels will be using in 3 years.

Problem or Opportunity

Today an average company needs to manage more than 5 communication channels with their customers besides their websites. connect all these channels into one platform adding more features like voice and AI chatbot to their conversations.

-Hard to find callcenter agents who can speak multiple languages thus lack of qualified employees for callcenters.
-Cumbersome translation with other tools and language problems with the real agents.
-The problems of loosing direct customer coming to the website or social media channels because of the lack of control.
-Dispersed Social Media channels and lack of agents who controls all the messages on these channels.
-Loosing the opportunity of being able to resell, cross sell or upsell to the customers.
- Loosing customers while redirecting customers to manual callcenters to be able to pay.

Solution (product or service)

We aim to solve those problems of potential customers with which is an AI powered all in one communication platform that includes AI Chatbot, Voice Assistant, LiveChat and Social Media integrations like Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Whatsapp. offers not only basic level of chatbot but an end-to-end sales experience with payment integration only by chatting. The firm can use on websites with easy-to-install web widget or on mobile phones with mobile development kits (SDK). With an advanced admin platform, it provides analysis on usage, conversations, customers. is good for the firms in terms of solving cumbersome call-center problems with easy to install cloud-based affordable platform which also offers multilanguage social media communications and live chat. It creates a sales channel on the direct website and can serve in multiple languages with real time translation, acting as a call-center agent who can speak many languages at the same time. offers an AI Chatbot but also it turns into a live chat platform when the call-center agent wants to intervene.

Listing and purchasing or booking specified products
Live Support (LiveChat) on your site
email support
Office phone integration
callback integration
Social Media Support
--whatsapp job

AI Supported ChatBot
Frequently Asked Questions Chatbot
Pbx Support and Call Center
Multi-language Support with Real Time translation
Detect Language and Instant Translation
Learning with Artificial Intelligence
Interpreted with Sentiment Analysis


Key competitors Portugal based company, key competitor in Europe specifically targets travel sector. Turkey based company, competitor in Turkey but targets all e-commerce sectors. Turkey based aged company, competitor in Turkey and Middle East. Targets all e-commerce sectors specially finance and banking.

Potential Partners
Paximum ( for flights and hotels api
KlonBits ( for voyage and max royal hotels.
Asisia ( for 30 hotels including liberty hotels group.
Protel ( )Oracle Cloud partnership

Advantages or differentiators

Using one can automatize common tasks using chat and speaking framework.This part is empowered with AI and Machine Learning. Most of the communication channels are brought in together to collect and manage from one place. Chatbot or real agent can sell the products even by chatting or speaking. is managed in a university research area and closely working with the academicians. It is easy to create a team being close to newly graduates and university career services. Using the advantages of being in a dynamic environment and research regions, state of the art technological products can be developed easily in a short period of times.

Travel Sector is hungry for technology and affordable products. The sector is also striving for cost free or low-cost customers to increase profit margin. Enlightened with the founder's experience of 12 years in the field of software development and project management, the company can achieve applied research into practicality.

SSAT AI is a company that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning in the areas of voice and communication, call center applications and customer service automation, and produces high technology through research and development studies. It is a company that can offer smart solutions with university-industry cooperation in the light of the experience of its founder and its strong team. SSAT AI works in voice technologies and can also provide corporate support in data analysis, reporting and solution generation. Technology solutions offered by SSAT AI include Speech Recognition, Speech Analysis, Voice IVR, Speech Synthesis, Virtual Assistant and Chatbot.


Key sector is travel, tourism and leisure. Key customers are hotels and online travel agencies. Targeted hotels will be in Europe and Turkey. The chain hotels would be advantageous with their number of hotels.

1) For Hotels Price Per Room -European Region -EU

Revenue generation: Two models can be applicable for pricing.
1) Price per month: i.e 50 € /month
2) Price per room: 1 euro per room. (stays fixed as the number of rooms is more than 50)

Yearly income for one hotel with more than 50 rooms: 50 x 12 = 600 euros. Lets calculate the revenue for 1000 hotels for a year, 600000 €. It is possible to reach to 50000 hotels in 5 years which makes 50000 * 600 € = 30.000.000 €/year

2) Revenue Model Price Per Using Agent- Turkey
Free for 10000 messages, for one user only. Ads on the main page.
For more users, more social media channels and add-free options
the price is $15/member/month

Business model is aimed to grow %30 growth in every year, I need to confirm fits in the current travel-tourism market where the company located. When the product solves the problems of travel market, than e-commerce and health sectors problems would be researched and the product will slightly be changed to solve those coming sectors. Turkey will be starting country and Antalya will be the starting city, The 5 * hotels in Belek will be the starting point for

Sales Channel: The key sales channel is B2B, meaning that is sold directly to the hotels through online registration and payment system portal. First month is free to use up to one user. It is possible to cancel any time. After trial period ends, they can continue with the monthly fixed price.

Money will be spent on

The marketing and employees.

Offer for investor is offering 10 % of the company to the investors. The ticket size will be negotiable.


Risks of not being able to penetrate market. Environmental risks like fire or flood can affect the travel tourism sector easily. Economical crisis can affect the sector and the business in a bad way. Competitors can offer this SAAS business model free to wipe out

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

TUBITAK 1512 –Technological Entrepreneurs Governmental Support
KOSGEB Machine and Tech Support for Advanced Entrepreneurs.
TIM-TEB Girişim Evi – Entrepreneurs House for mentoring
HOH Bigg+ Program for entrepreneurs.
İTÜ Çekirdek Express Program –Fast Pre-Incubation

Won the competition and other awards

25000 USD –Governmental Support TUBITAK 1512
20000 USD –GovernmentalSupport KOSGEB Support
20000 USD for %5 of company ÇUYAP Group Seed Investment


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