Market: Light industry, Production, Telecommunications, Services, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done
Ley lines, dragon lines or Nikola Tesla's theory on how decentralized energy can be transmitted in a neural like structure holds water today. Technological advancements in the energy industry can now achieve what was impossible in the 18th century, the creation of an energy web using current technologies to offer clients, affordable, inclusive clean energy using renewables.
Current Status
The project is in its early stages, concept phase e are still raising start up capital for business development, however, we have already been afforded pre-seed capital in the amount of $ 1,000,000 committed through an investment facilitator
Our ideal clients age is inconsequential because everybody is an energy user, but if we are talking about ideal, they should be employed, earning around $ 50 or more per week & owning a household or some piece of land
Problem or Opportunity
Lack of energy access in Sub-Saharan Africa, 600 Million people alone lack such access
Solution (product or service)
Create an energy platform/framework to ensure access. The platform should be inclusive, produce affordable energy using the dragon lines or ley line concept, that is today known as Energy Internet. A neural like framework of interconnected energy centers & distribution energy resources using the latest technology to ensure localized production scaled to the demand of a region be it a rural setting, urban, nationwide or bloc.
Fossil Fuel Legacy companies that include Oil, Gas & coal power companies. The region uses over 80% fossil fuel energy products, this includes oil, gas & electricity.
Advantages or differentiators
Our framework is collaborative, clients are prosumers, the products are produced locally by them & us, they are intended to be accessible & affordable, clients earn as they save. Access means that they are endowed with financial resources through their performance or ability to produce. The finance is used to purchase products, set up their means of production, the distance to their products is reduced, they have access to technologies that monitor their consumption, fintech to trade their products in real time and much more.
Transport power, Gas, Electric power, Subscriptions. Our cost structure is 30-60% less than that of our competitors
Business model
A resource sharing business model with Auragen as the flagship. Our revenue is acquired from processing green alternatives, converting said alternatives into various forms of energy, transmission & distribution of the bespoke. The distribution & transmission depend on energy type. For electric power, AI enabled microgrids with special d.e.r's, for transport power & gases, distribution entails products being transported to the retail centers in the locality
Money will be spent on
Business development
Product development
Key hires
Offer for investor
Equity; The company offers its prospective investor share classes named;
A. Preferred Shares - Controlling interest at a price of $ 100 per share, one share 10 votes
B. Common Shares - Non controlling interest at a price of $ 1 a share, one share, 1 vote
New technologies always entail learning & acceptance, it might take time & training to get used to new tech. Requires a lot of money to set up, might mean lending capital to the clients to afford them participation rights. Political risk is another concern.
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Participation in the Botswana Hub Incubation, successful
Participation in a startup incubation of we fund still ongoing
Won the competition and other awards
Financing opportunity by a government innovation hub
Patent on the Schematics of the platform, software, usage etc.