Photo - TelosTouch Inc.

TelosTouch Inc.

Elevated Experiences. Actionable Insights.

Canada, Toronto
Market: Internet and IT, Financial services, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 17.06.2021
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High-touch financial services have been traditionally difficult to measure and scale. Financial institutions face this and clients feel this.

With TelosTouch, institutions quickly create elevated experiences to engage clients like never before and generate unique, easily actionable insights. This personalization of services drives productivity, loyalty, and opportunities.

By 2030, our stated goal is to be among the top 3 companies worldwide that will lead the client experience market for all professional service enterprises.

Current Status

Proven team of domain experts: we understand our users because we experienced the problem while leading large financial institutions
Product ready: fully operational, field-tested, easy to deploy product that delivers immediate and measurable results
Product-market fit established: multi-year, multi-million dollar contracts signed
Validated go-to-market strategy:
3 pilots converted to 3 enterprise agreements
Easy to deploy, no integration quick to launch $100K contracts built for future expansion
Pipeline of more than 20 institutions in advanced discussions
Seamless integration and commercial partnerships with Microsoft and Salesforce

We are currently raising $10 M Series A to support our growth to $7 M in ARR.


TelosTouch clients are large institutions looking to transform transactions into relationships.

Our clients use TelosTouch to bridge their advisor experience with their client experience. They describe us as “the missing link between their CRM and static client portal”. We currently have demand for major global financial institutions and are focused on the US, Canada and Brazil. The size of this market is $3B. We also have been approached by other professional services (such as accounting, legal, etc.). The global professional services market for client experience is in excess of $150 B and growing.

Problem or Opportunity

Netflix, Spotify and Amazon have changed client expectations forever. Clients now expect financial institutions to be there when it matters. The core issue at the centre of client relationships is that institutions cannot easily see the people they serve and clients cannot easily see the professionals they hire. Without continuous and timely engagement, institutions lack the context they need to deliver and scale services that matter. TelosTouch is solving the breakdown in visibility between financial service providers and their clients.

Solution (product or service)

TelosTouch is the missing link between financial services providers and their clients.

TelosTouch is the first Augmented Relationships™ platform for financial professionals. We elevate client experiences with digital tools and empower professionals with actionable insights.
Our quick to launch technology enables institutions to uncover client needs, easily act on them, and showcase the value of their client facing teams. This translates into business opportunities, client loyalty and team productivity.

With TelosTouch:
- Transform one-way communication into client discovery experiences
- Make it easy to reach and serve all clients in real time
- Multiply and deliver best practices to every client
- Showcase the value and effort of your client-facing teams


Our competition includes discovery/profiling tools, engagement technology, marketing automation software; however, none of them provide the engagement, actionable insights or solve the visibility breakdown problem in the industry. Some competing advisory tools with limited client facing capabilities also benefit from our complementary capabilities.

Advantages or differentiators

Our platform allows institutions to:
- Discover context and behaviour (8X increase in new data)
- Increase the quality and frequency of interactions (4X increase in client engagement)
- Deliver one-to-many campaigns (10X increase in advisor’s reach
- Transform CRM into growth engine (2X increase in adoption)


We are an Enterprise SaaS solutions provider. Our primary revenue stream is enterprise licence fees for our solution. Typically, these contracts are for multiple years and are 7 figures in annual subscription revenues. In the future, we may generate additional revenue streams through ancillary services, consulting, etc.
Our cost structure is primarily fixed (developers, sales team, corporate, etc.). Our “cost of goods sold” or variable costs are primarily with respect to hosting service costs (for each enterprise client) and customer success teams supporting our enterprise clients. Our gross margin is above 80%

Business model

Our business model is selling a quick-to-launch contract to enterprises that require no integration and low-lift on the part of the clients’ senior management. Over 6 months, the resulting deployment will generate metrics that will demonstrate the ROI that the TelosTouch solution can provide to meet the enterprise’s business objectives. At this time, the enterprise can make the commitment for a full deployment of TelosTouch (involving integration with existing tech stack, etc.) to realize the full range of benefits.
Currently, our channel to market is direct, leveraging the deep networks with financial services of the leadership team. We have also agreed integration and distribution partnerships with Salesforce and Microsoft (the two leading CRM providers in the financial services space) that will leverage these leading firms’ distribution teams globally for faster market penetration.

Money will be spent on

Client success to ensure existing enterprise clients are delighted.
Business Development to monetize our current pipeline and successfully capture other opportunities (other geographies and verticals)
Technical improvements to develop additional AI features and new integrations.

Offer for investor

This will depend on check size and strategic opportunities provided by investor.


Our risk is to find the right balance between not overreaching and scaling the opportunities that are in front of us. Moving too slow or too quickly can create lost opportunities or wasted resources.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

MassChallenge Boston 2020 Cohort
Plug & Play Silicon Valley 2020 Cohort

Won the competition and other awards

WealthTech 100 2020, 2021


Patent pending technology.
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