We developed from scratch a new Artificial Intelligent & Machine Learning algorithm that can search databases (or the web) with only features. No key, no training, and no indexes are required! E.g. Query of "4x4" will fetch jeep and SUV even if "4x4" is not in database at all. It will also search images and videos without pixel scanning!
Core IP is patented - Two foundational technologies are patented with three more being developed.
Current Status
Product is in production. Technical results exceeded expectations. No so the finance. We still not making revenue.
E-commerce and textual database.
(A) Customers wishing to increase conversion above and beyond of what they did so far (B) Customers suffering from unfixable errors in their systems
Problem or Opportunity
Fixing unfixable error margins of algorithmic errors. Search - Fixing "nothing found" errors. Big data - Fixing AML & Cyber errors.
We have quantitative results in production environments showing 50 – 100% improvement in revenue.
Real client success story is attached. Upon interest, we can share his name, website and to set a realtime demo.
Solution (product or service)
Artificial Intelligence API server and several platform plugins. https://refyn.org/download/
Algolia, SOLR, Elasticsearch
Advantages or differentiators
1. No Indexation system 2. Smart Natural language processing (SNLP the "S" is Refyn's invention) and Smart Fuzzy Search 3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can find items that not in inventory 4. Cognitive live learning from the web (if option is "on") 5. Search all fields, all tables (Algolia searching just products or text, not both) 6. Understanding searcher meaning. e.g "iphone self pics" will show selfie 7. Searching images and videos without pixel scanning 8. Handling any type of web Errors such as 404 9. Determine Shapes, Sizes, Volume 10. Can search people by their characteristics, not by name 11. SEO generator 12. MachineLearning. Everyday, Refyn machine learning is getting smarter. For example, it learned that joshua (store have no products) is also jesus (many in-stock products) and a prophet. 13. Can run in any language
No, we don't have the the present.
Business model
1st Stage: Site Search
2nd Stage: AML, Big data, Cyber. Presentation: http://bit.ly/RefynAML
3rd Stage: “better than Google” search engine. Presentation: https://bit.ly/CellFrogPitch
Money will be spent on
Building Biz model, Revenue Streams and Cost Structure. Developing the 2nd and 3rd stages.
Hard to convince prospects about our "beast under the hood" because they don't see it. Once installed it is look "so natural" . This is why we developed dashboard that can prove it: See below
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Beside our great team, Refyn Inc. is growing in YSpace Incubator at York University. We are currently working alongside industry professionals and forging new connections with experienced entrepreneurs.
Won the competition and other awards
NextAI finalist.
US 62/348,340 - Computer Implemented Systems And Methods For Ranking The Quality Of A Text Or Webpage On The Internet
62/541,389 - System and Method for Intelligent Search Engine