MyStore is the most accesible software to create a digital catalogue which can instantly become an on-line store and can connect to Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and most of the regions marketplaces. All My Store orders are able to use Canasta Rosa´s services including logistics, payments, marketing, and loans.
Current Status
Canasta Rosa today has 20,000 registered entrepreneurs and 10,000 open stores. Today 4% of open stores pay a plus subscription and will be the base of users for My Store, where we estimate to reach a 35% plus subscription by November 2021.
MSE´s that sell products are 9M just in Mexico and 500M globally.
Problem or Opportunity
Today there are 9M MSE´s just in Mexico and there are no current solutions which cover their most important needs: A software / platform which allows them to sell digitally with these 4 variables 1) easy to use 2) quick to launch 3) fully integrated 4) fiscal flexible.
Solution (product or service)
My Store will allow these MSE´s to easily set a digital catalogue, transaction in a convenient and profesional manner and grow their sales rapidly by connecting them to all big buyer markets in the region.
Today My Store will compete with Shopify, Tienda Nube, Mercado Libre, Amazon Handmade, and Facebook Shops.
Advantages or differentiators
The detail on the differences can be seen in the deck and additional material but My Store is easier to use, fiscal flexible and fully integrated.
My Store will have subscription, transaction and service revenues. The cost structure includes SG&A of the team, and low take rate on services at the begining, but attractive revenues once we achieve scale. To be profitable the company must get 3,000 entrepreneurs to pay the plus subscription.
Business model
The most important metrics for the business are sellers, % that pay plus subscription and GMV per seller in Canasta Rosa, other marketplaces and directly in their My Store store.
Money will be spent on
Development of SAAS product and marketing for seller adquisition.
Offer for investor
Convertible Note with 20% discount, 8% interest and 12.5M USD cap.
If Shopify or Tienda Nube seek to target this lower end consumer there could be a risk for My Store product, or if local fiscal laws are changed as well.
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Google for Start Ups Accelerator Summer 2020
Won the competition and other awards
American Express Micro Entrepreneur Documentary Grupo Expansion 30 in 30 Forbes top 50 businesses