We have made b2b Global machinery & equipment marketplace, where people from any part of the world can register and place machines that they want to sell in our platform.
Or same way paople can find machines thst they need.
Current Status
Already operating and groeing audience from different countries.
Machinery, Equipment Agents
Problem or Opportunity
The only problem is for now to grow fast audience snd make it extremely fast known in the eorld.
Solution (product or service)
We are providing platform thst allowes people sround the Globe place their machines for sale or same way buy. We are providing place where seller meet buyer, instead of searching way how to sell their machines and to whom.
No competitors that works to all Globe
Advantages or differentiators
We made global, easy to use, cheap platform
Competitors arevto small snd works only locally in their countries without having possibility of huge grow and traffic
1year subscribtion - 700eur
Business model
Advertisement and banner platform for easy to use as market
Money will be spent on
Advertising, salaries, modernising of project, servers.
Possibly long lasting growing, but depends from investments that allow us to become a shark and show our project to all world extremely fast like s virus.