DExpert is an expert system in dermatology which gives advice to anyone using a photo of a skin lesion and subsequent dialogue with the user resembling conversation with a proper doctor.
Current Status
We have developed ready-to-use system and need to hire reputable dermatologists to check, expand, confirm correct operation and guarantee the high quality of our AI. The system is uploaded in Internet and works in test mode.
All people with skin problems and who want a quick, free and expert consultation.
Problem or Opportunity
The company is not registered yet. The country of incorporation of the company may depend on the wishes of the investor or business partner.
Solution (product or service)
At the moment we have the second generation of the system and its administrative part which allows us to configure and test all aspects of the system and its knowledge base. All screenshots at this document are taken from the working system apps. From open sources we collected information on more than 1 000 diseases and more than 6 000 photos corresponding to them.
We are not aware of a competing product with similar functionality.
Advantages or differentiators
We are not aware of a competing product with similar functionality.
Business model
1. Indirect advertisements on user app screens (Google Ads, e. t. c.)
It is possible to earn 250 000$ per year for every 1 million users from USA, Canada and Europe.
2. Direct advertisements about treatments from nearest clinics, doctors, drugs producers. Earning depends on many conditions but we can suppose it has to be about the same money as an indirect advertisement or more. It is possible to earn 200 000$ for every 1 million users from USA, Canada and Europe.
3. The system will provide direct interaction with proper doctors which will be accessible online any time speaking different languages and knowing regional specific about diseases and treatment. It will take a commission for every consulting. It is possible to earn 90 000$ for every 1 million users from USA, Canada and Europe.
Money will be spent on
The cost of medical and business professionals.
Offer for investor
We do not want to find not only an investor, but a businessman who can take over the management of the business.