Photo - Corporate Currency Basic Income Author's Concept CCBI AC

Corporate Currency Basic Income Author's Concept CCBI AC

Financial system and structure based on Basic Income.

Russia, Rostov region
Market: Internet and IT, Insurance, Financial services, Blockchain, Crypto currency
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 07.02.2021
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Basic Income is the payment of the number of financial units of the region from the Corporate Currency Basic Income of the organization to the user registered in the region, through the software and hardware of the CCBI; payments every month, to every user, at every age, for life; payments are guaranteed sufficient to meet the needs for 1 Food 2 Clothing 3 Residential 4 Transport 5 Medical; in rented, in your own.
CCBI works with the types of financial interactions: Humanitarian, Basic, Commercial.

Current Status

Stage: Author's concept, Investment project CCBI AC, done 5%.
Documents elaborated ("Samples of TTD")(CCBI AC Presentation), the first, second level of details of the composition of the SaH; for the common, main site, the third level of detail of the composition of the SaH.
Project stages:
1 Investment project of CCBI AC: pre-project (1 month), round and interaction on the project and search for participants (6 months); elaborated by the author; result of publication in startup platforms.
2 Investment project CCBI OC: pre-project (1 month), round and interaction on the project and search for participants (6 months); one version is elaborating by the author, the number of versions with the co authors of the project, the number of versions with the co founders; the result of publication in startup platforms; result establishment and co-establishment of CCBI O.
3 Author's concept: conceptualization (1 month), elaboration (6 months); elaborated by the author; result documents CCBI TTD AC.
4 Organizational concept: conceptualization (1 month), elaboration (6 months); one version is elaborating by the author, the number of versions with the co authors of the project, the number of versions by the employees of the CCBI O; result documents CCBI TTD OC.
5 Prototype in technical code, device: conceptualization (1 month), elaboration (6 months); one version is elaborated by the author, the number of versions by employees of the CCBI O; number of versions by third-party developers; the result is the acting state of the CCBI O SaH WaA SaS.
6 Stages of the acting state of the CCBI O SaH WaA SaS.
Project stages and regions:
Initiation in the United States of America region; in other regions according to the statements of participants from other regions; with a project co employees with other regions; with co employees between the departments of the regions of CCBI O and the Society.

Abbreviations and the meaning of words.
Corporate Currency Basic Income Organization: CCBI O.
Software and Hardware: SaH.
Websites and Applications: WaA.
Systems and Structures: SaS.
Corporate Currency Basic Income Author's Concept: CCBI AC.
Corporate Currency Basic Income Organizational Concept: CCBI OC.
Corporate Currency Basic Income Technical Tasks Decisions: CCBI TTD.
Basic Income: BI.


According to the concept version, the basic is defined:
1 From the existing: the state of the market, the financial system, the structure of the global and regions, goods categories according to needs, goods of the property level; mass consumption goods and services, the price level for the average consumer, can be defined as basic.
2 From the newly developed: the state of the market, the financial system, the structure of the CCBI, the requirements for goods and services; goods and services developed by the participants of the CCBI can be defined as basic, in the realized state goods and services of the property level Basic with price levels, categories.
3 From the existing and newly developed: when users interact through the departments "Store", "Burse" ("Trading Platform").

Versions "by stages": author's concept, organization concept; Research; Test; Acting.
Versions “Currency type, financial type”: Digital; Electronic; Crypto; Fiat; other.
Versions of "financial units, bills, coins, tokens": digital, real, digital and real.
Versions “Existing Versions”: new currency; newly developed redevelopment currency; existing currency for redevelopment; other.
Versions of the "juristic right of the organization": Public author's, organization concept and research; Private financial (by distribution level: in the region, among regions, globally; by organization structure: Corporation (a corporation is an organization with a unified system structure, organization of working interactions), Bank, Fund,); State and Government financial; Global financial; other.
Versions of “Applicability”: Self (own) CCBI; Self (own) CCBI in another (existing ""); Other (existing "") in its (own) CCBI; Other (existing "").

Problem or Opportunity

Basic Income solves problems:
1 from birth without a personal property status, 2 status in the absence of work and sources of income, 3 crises in financial systems, 4 etc.
Basic Income solves the possibilities:
1 of a normal property state of a person at the initial and other stages of life 2 choice of doings in life, 3 paid for any state of the financial system 4 etc.

Solution (product or service)

Basic Income in the United States of America region: Estimated 3,500 units per month.
In the region, the number of regions, the global version, conversions are possible (recalculation of the numbers of financial units of Basic Income for enough in this region) of the numbers of financial units of the Basic Income of regions when a user moves from one region to another region.
Humanitarian: 1 from CCBI to the user with finances and / or goods and services, taking into account, does not return from the user to CCBI; 2 at the decision of the participant, there may be goods and services of basic, commercial, specially quickly produced; 3 Not subject to taxes; 4, etc.
Basic: 1 from CCBI to the user with finances, taking into account, does not return from the user to CCBI (Basic Income). From the user to the CCBI finance, taking into account, does not return from the CCBI to the user (Doings with finances: exchanges, trade, payments, etc.); 2 in the calculations, only payments for labor actions and the cost of production, etc., are used; 3 Not, in detail, Yes taxed; 4, etc.
Commercial: 1 from CCBI to the user with finances, taking into account, returns from the user to CCBI (Funding doings: Grants, Investments, Sponsorship, Licenses, etc.). From the user to the CCBI finance, taking into account, is not returned from the CCBI to the user (Doings with finances: payments, commissions, etc.); 2 in the calculations, the payment for labor actions and the cost of production, etc., and markups, profit rates, etc. are used; 3 Yes taxed; 4, etc.


According to the author's evaluations, such projects currently exist only in the theory of a literary form, in theory in public organizations. The status is not known due to copyright reasons of private non-public organizations.
The alternative is the existing financial and production, trade, consumer systems structures.

Advantages or differentiators

CCBI is a financial system and structure, sites and applications, software and hardware; goods and services based on Basic Income; an organization working on the Internet and in the region, regions, globally.
CCBI is a newly developed one with private, closed, conditional rights for all developments. CCBI is a social project with public, open, unconditional rights for users.

Consists of:
Common, the main site is intended to publish information about the CCBI; interaction between Authors, CCBI Employees and the Society.
The server is SaH sites and applications are intended to manage systems and structures of CCBI.
The user is SaH SaA are intended for financial interaction between the user and other users.
The Burse (Trading Platform) and the Exchanger SaH SaA are intended for financial interaction between CCBI and other financial organizations and users.
The store is a SaH SaA is intended to exchange finance for goods and services between users.
Coins, bills, tokens are financial units that are exchanged by users, financial units that are exchanged for goods and services.

Type of financial system structure: "emission editorial exchanges surcease"; according to the conditions. Financial unit 1; "Number of characters" “,” and / or “.” "Number of characters".
The number of CCBI currencies by the number of regions (the name of the region "name" is the name of the Internet domain ""). Corporate Currency Basic Income (CCBI) of the Region "Name" (R "N"), the rate is equal to the fiat currency of the Region "Name" "Name" (FCR "N" "N"), CCBIR "N" 1 : FCR "N" "N" 1, the rate is equal to the market rate, the calculated rate, etc. Corporate Currency Basic Income of the USA Region (CCBIRus); 1 CCBIRus = 1 FCR USA USD. The exchange rate between regional currencies is calculated: CCBIR "N" 1: CCBIR "N" 2, calculated BI 1 = calculated BI 2, currency unit 1 = "", currency unit 2 = "".


At the stages of the concepts of trade, exchange of goods and services and finance, application of documentation by users, intended users, between users and CCBI was not elaborated.
The concepts are elaborating and developing at the author's own funds, at the author's own decision.
There were no fundraising for concepts.
At the concept stages, it is possible to use open source software, no paid, no conditional; public social information, as it is socially significant for the public topic of the project.
At the concept stages, the collection of finance, grants and donations, through the pages of the CCBI in social networks.

Business model

For the concept, new theories and practices were developed for calculating financial, production systems structures.
Indicators, metrics can be defined, calculated from the all state of the concept at concept stages, at implemented stages with a greater level of publicity and the availability of estimated data.

Money will be spent on

Investments are needed for 100% elaboration of the author's concept to the organizational concept.

When investing at the author's concept stage, a detailed research of the market is planned: needs for goods and services (taking into account, without taking into account: social status and age and preferences of the user), categories of goods and services, property levels, income levels, compiling statistics, defining prices for the basic and the number of finance units of Basic Income. Also, the development of the department of the organization "Store".

With investments, in a realized status:
1 mutually profitable conditions and functions for all participants of the CCBI,
2 complete financial system structure with all associated opportunities,
3 development of own CCBI SaH, production of goods and services,
4 placement of third-party (users) production of goods and services in the SaH CCBI,
5 the organization's own CBI investment conditions in third-party (users) goods and services.

When investing, it will be possible to apply the existing theories of the practice of calculating financial, production systems structures. And also SaH SaA are proprietary, with payments, with conditions; to elaborate a working relationships with other participants, organizations, doers.

When investing, the concept will go to the stage of the organizational concept, the CCBI organization.
The constituent documents of the CCBI organization will be elaborated with details about:
1 legal organization;
2 registrations with the Official State;
3 working organizations;
4 number, composition of positions and employees;
5 financial organization;
6 second stage (round) of investments and participants
7 production organization
8 development of the editor of production processes.
They are elaborated by the organization's CCBI employees: development stages, versions of the organization's CCBI concept.

When investing, own information resources "Common, main site" will be developed; new promotions will be developed in digital and real format. As well as updating pages on social networks, registration in other information Internet resources.

Offer for investor

Investments according to official documents (according to conditions 1), preferably Grant (details of the conditions in the "Investment contract CCBI sample").
Documents are leaded by the Author (documents of the Author at the request of the Investor at the link:; documents of the Author at the request of the Investor at the mail).
The Investor informs the Author about interest, possible participation, conditions, etc. To be filled in by the Investor, each investor has only his share: "Poll the investor's statement about possible participation." and or "Supplement 1 of the Share Reservation Tables".
The documents are leaded by the Investor (with experience in working with official legal documents, interested in the implementation of the project to the acting state).

The round of investments in the region United States of America and the version of the documentation in English. For the translation of documentation into the language of the investor and the round of investments in the investor's region, contact the author in writing in: Email.

Grant, donate to the author and groups, pages, communities on social networks “Corporate Currency Basic Income CCBI”.
by conditions: “Conditions of use of CCBI pages in social networks Conditions of granting, donating”.

In search of Mass Media partners and sponsors for the publication of CCBI news.

Rights to the project portfolio (text, graphics): for solutions, without copying portfolio documents (read, view only).

Team or Management


Insufficient level of publicity and participation of the Society in the project. The author will do what he thinks is necessary for the project.
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