Appcarry provides platform to measure the performance of the campaigns by tracking every touch point of the user and showing their behaviour at granular level to effectively calculate ROI. Apparry additionally provides Marketers to run campaign on their own pricing Model , CPA, CPI etc. at the same time.
Current Status
We have launched our beta stage and we are in prcess of selling. few of our possible customers are in pipeline and we are hoping to on--board them before 15th December 2020.
Our customers: Any company operating under B2C can be our clients who use mobile app as one of the platform for their business.
The global mobile application market size was valued at USD 154.05 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5% from 2020 to 2027 according to,11.5%25%20from%202020%20to%202027.
Problem or Opportunity
The problem faced by major companies is to measure the performance & effectiveness of the Ad campaigns and behaviour of the user acquired by those campaigns.
Solution (product or service)
Appcarry provides attribution and marketing analytics services that enable advertisers to measure and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns by understanding which marketing campaigns contributed to the download of their mobile applications or such other conversion metrics. Appcarry also measure and analyze certain events and actions within their applications such as in-app purchases made by end-users. The services also help our customers identify and protect against fraudulent behavior related to their marketing campaigns.
Appsflayer, Branch, Singular, Adjust
Advantages or differentiators
All the existing companies give only one pricing model for campaign performance, what we are doing is providing dynamic ad campaign price modelling, So they sells team can measure ROI more accurately, as even though platform provide single price modelling, users use multiple price modelling which they have to manulaly filter out for each campaign and paying mmp more which lead to high churn rate.
Prices are not fixed but it will look like something
Base Subscription with Limit cap : 299 USD + 0.05 USD/installs
Advanced Fraud Detection and Analysis : 499 USD
Audience Builder + Retaretting : 599 USD
Flexible ad cmapaigning : 399 Base price + 0.0f USD / + 1 USD/ Action ** (Actions will be defined according to product, like purchase, product_view or register etc)
Business model
We are SaaS business where our customer will be paying us a monthly subsctiption of around 299 USD (Not fixed yet) + upselling which can lead upto 3000-4000 USD/ month from a customer which will be a recyrring revenue.
Money will be spent on
Money will be invested in hiring and marketing. As the products is purely tech based and requires a lot of engineering, we will be investing to hire few great minds to work and make the project success, at the same time marketing the product requires few sales people and and other customer aquistion cost
Offer for investor
That can be negotiated once the product seems interesting to the investor but we are open for equity based investements only.