Photo - BlueVisor


A.I. fully-automated Wealth Management Solution

The Republic of Korea
Market: Financial services, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 11.10.2020
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BlueVisor provides A.I. Wealth Management Solution called Highbuff, which automates end-to-end investing processes including making investment decisions and transactions from setting up portfolios to buy & sell transactions and portfolio rebalancing. All you need to do is to press cash out button whenever Highbuff makes money for you. You don’t need to come and visit human wealth managers of financial firms to let them manage your capital anymore. Just hire Highbuff as your own A.I. wealth manager

Current Status

We have traction
We made 0.6 million dollors in 2018 and 1.1 million dollors last year from 20 customers.
Most customers are SME, Corporates and Professional firms like law firm, medical firms.
Most of them are using our solution as a company benefits package so that let employees be able to focus on their own work by being free from worries of investment.


We have been in A.I. Wealth Management market and it has great potential to grow up. In 2020 the Market size would be enlarged about 980 billion US dollar and next 5 years, the number of users would double to reach 463 million with 26% of compound annual growth rate

Problem or Opportunity

Here are today’s problems and pain points in traditional investing market. I mean investing by human.
Most people don't have finance degrees and they are busy with jobs, kids, and hobbies and hope to take a break once in a while.
However, it is complex and time-consuming to manage your investing on your own.
So you come and visit banks or financial firms to get financial services.
However, you pay high cost but get low return or not satisfying returns because you have to pay fee and share returns with financial managers and their labor cost is high.
We all make human mistakes. Our emotional, intuitional or impulsive decision may make your returns unsteady.
You may have a big winning but a big loss tomorrow.

Solution (product or service)

Our answer to the problems is using A.I investing solution (A.I. Autopilot investment platform) to let A.I. manage your end-to-end investment while keeping your costs low.
Our A.I. makes portfolio based on your risk profile(preference?) and makes investment decision that human may make and actual financial transaction we don’t have any human involvement or intervention.
So then you can have higher returns at lower cost.
Cost Reduction, our AI doesn’t ask to share your returns and doesn’t require any fee or labor cost, so that you can have higher benefit.
Steady returns, our AI doesn’t make any emotional, intuitional or impulsive decision human may make so that you can have relatively steady returns.


Basically all A.I. Wealth management or robo-advisors for SMEs or Family offices are our competitors
- Liquid: B2B, B2C Robo-advisor in Germany. It offers its digital platform to leading family offices as well as a new generation of entrepreneurs, professionals, and other affluent individuals
- QPLIX: B2B, B2C Robo-advisor in Germany. All three founders have worked as investment professionals for a German single-family office. Its family office software is engineered to handle a full range of asset classes and complex legal entity structures
- AdvisorEngine: B2B Robo-advisor (USA). Offers RIAs a comprehensive, integrated solution of online wealth management, CRM and portfolio management
- Xero: B2B Robo-advisor(USA). It provides a cloud-based accounting software platform for small and medium-sized businesses.

Advantages or differentiators

- Not a financial service but A.I. solution software as your own A.I. wealth manager
- No settlement day and immediate cash out is doable whenever A.I. returns profits
- Verified performance and A.I. tech. by Korean financial regulator
- No cost or fee. No need to learn financial and investment knowledge
- No stress or effort. No need to make investment analysis and decision
- Low risk from human errors such as emotion-driven decision and potential embezzlement
- Therefore, low volatility in making profit. Steady and stable returns than human

Business model

We have SaaS model. We take 1% of AUM every year as a software license fee. We provides our solution as a a company benefit package in B2B model and it includes the cost of server construction and management. Customer companies can give employees financial benefits to let them do wealth management through our solution.

Money will be spent on

We want to enter into new global market. Singapore and UK would be the next to target Asia and Europe market. For expanding our business globally, we need to enhance A.I. engine for each stock market and build up global team. Also, field tests should be run in local market. Also, for localization, legal counseling would be needed.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

- Participation in Plug and Play Accelerator(USA)
- Participation in USMAC Accelerator(USA)
- Participation in Draper University Program(USA)
- Participation in RBS(Royal Bank of Scotland) Natwest Accelerator Program(UK)

Won the competition and other awards

- Winner of New York Family Office Funding Challenge in 2019
- Had interview with NASDAQ TV as the first Korean startup ever
- Winner of Oracle Innovation Challenge in 2019 and Being OPN(Oracle Partnership Network) member

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