A new era is coming in the business environment. From now on and after this background, the health of companies will be measured in positive emotions of their workers above the economic context. We will be there to announce that the new era has a name:
Current Status
300+ users in the workplace, 20000+ students, 1000+ members
-Anyone above 16 years of age that has access to technology.
-Any companies or organization interested in the wellbeing of their people. Our main target in this area would be companies/organizations with over 100 employees.
Global Health and Wellness Industry USD4.2 trillion
Problem or Opportunity
The World Health Organization (WHO) made a global call for attention to the mental health problems caused by the Covid-19 crisis.
"During times of stress, pay attention
to your own needs and feelings."- WHO
"Many people are using technology to manage their
mental health, which will likely become more common
and necessary as the need to practice ‘social distancing"- Peter Varnum, World Economic Forum
Solution (product or service)
The software that we have developed in Feelenials uses a mixture of multimodal artificial intelligence and direct user feedback to measure emotions in a constant and impartial way.
Our software measures:
-Facial expression
-Analysis in discourse
-Text analysis
-Happiness index
Our top competitors are Daylio, Calm, Headspace and Happify. What differentiates us is local and global emotional reports that also help institutions make better decisions for their communities.
Advantages or differentiators
Our top competitors are Daylio, Calm, Headspace and Happify. What differentiates us is local and global emotional reports that also help institutions make better decisions for their communities. In other words we collect individual emotional reports (annonymously), in order to create a bigger picture of how the world is feeling.
We also allow individuals, communities or organizations to be able to create campaigns to follow the emotions of groups of people and thus we have created a social movement called ¨The Feelings Era¨, in order to sensibilize and prioritize mental health across the globe.
The income will mainly come fr om two sources, one with companies (B2B) wh ere we can generate an advisory / consultancy model to manage the emotions of the employees and charge a small monthly amount per employee (4.99 per employee). This model will allow us to quickly gain traction and then venture into a Freemiun model for any type of user (B2C) which will be able to access certain functionalities for free but will have the option to improve their experience and have more content for $ 10.
Business model
Our business model is mainly in the measurement of emotions, so we will first reach companies that want to improve the emotional state of their employees, so our main metric will be the number of employees who have access to our products. We will reach companies through direct sales because what we want to offer are emotional advisory / consulting services. On the other hand, with our product we want to reach all types of end users through a free app which will have the option to upgrade to a pro version with more functionality and content. This app will be marketed through apps stores and with the help of digital marketing where we can reach more people. Our projections are to reach 30 companies with more than 500 users in the first year and reach at least 10,000 paid users by the end of the same year.
Money will be spent on
The main costs associated with the B2B model is that of personnel (staff) to provide a quality service to companies, a cost associated with the maintenance of servers and the marrketin in traditional channels. On the B2C side, we have a high cost in the development of new products and digital marketing that will allow us to grow exponentially.
Offer for investor
We offer the investor 10% of the company and the opportunity to be in a disruptive company with a multidisciplinary and diverse entrepreneurial team that will allow intercultural work and an unforgettable experience!
If governments put legal restrictions (i.e. the banning of TikTok in various countries). Any prohibition on using Emotion AI or displaying global emotional reports could also be a barrier.
Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
Bcombinator, based in Barcelona, Spain. 2020
Won the competition and other awards
StartUpFuel: Top 10 Start Ups for the Global Innovation COVID19 Challenge
4YFN: Top 20 for live pitching competitions out of 80,000 start ups. However the MWC Barcelona event was cancelled due to COVID19
El Espectador: Top 3 Colombian StartUps you cannot miss (https://www.elespectador.com/tecnologia/tres-startups-colombianas-las-que-no-hay-que-perder-de-vista-articulo-887952)
Welp Magazine: Top Facial Recognition startup by Welp Magazine (https://welpmagazine.com/47-best-facial-recognition-startups-to-pay-attention-to-in-2021/)