Photo - Circular Brain - The Circular Economy Ecosystem

Circular Brain - The Circular Economy Ecosystem

Mission: "Making the World Circular"

Market: Trade, Financial services, Electronics, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 22.09.2020
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Circular Brain is a Technology Startup that creates digital solutions in Circular Economy and has the goal of becoming the promoting agent of circularity in the world’s consumption cycles. Being a Digital Hub for product lifecycle management, collaborative consumption, product as a service, reverse logistics, maintenance, reuse and recycling of electronic products.

Current Status

Minimum Viable Product - Beggining Traction


Total Addressable Market: USD 250billion

We connect 5 sides of the Electronics Consumption Market:
- Electronic Recyclers;
- Commodity Buyers;
- Electronic Producers (Manufacturers and Importers)
- Consumers (B2B and B2C)
- Government
The Ecosystem make possible interactions between all the players.

Problem or Opportunity

According to the World Economic Forum in today’s world we generate about 50 million tonnes of Electronic Waste a year, which is equivalent to 125,000 Jumbo Jets or 4,500 Eiffel Towers. This amount is valued about US$ 62.5 Billion and only 20% is recycled, all the rest is wasted. If we keep the same pace, only in 2050 the amount of e-waste disposed may reach 120 million tonnes and we will have more plastic in the ocean than fishes.
The best way to change it is Circular Economy.
Be the change!

Solution (product or service)

Think Circular is the first Digital Ecosystem for tracking and Electronics Lifecycle Management of the World. A Digital Solutions Hub for Circular Economy, such as reverse logistics (Post-Sales and Post-Consuming), data safety, reuse, recycling and final disposition of complexes products. All developed over a Traceability Algorithm that centralize as the information about the products and materials flow, generating in an Intelligent and Automatic manner all the necessary reports for stakeholders communication, centralised in a portal where the customer can request pick-ups and follow the processes on line.
The Ecosystem creates a global network of recyclers that will interact with the consumers by a recycling currency system, which has the power to mobilize the world to engage into the Circular Economy and help the world to achieve the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


There are no known company in the world, but there are partial solutions for other waste streams:
Plataforma Verde: Waste Management Platform
EuReciclo: Recycling Credit System for Packaging
GreenElectron: Reverse Logistic Management
VG Resíduos: Waste Market Place
SISGR: Recycling ERP System

Advantages or differentiators

Circular Brain is specialised in the Electronic Waste Stream, which adds a layer of complexity, because different of other wastes electronics can be at the same time precious and hazardous.
The core of the Ecosystem is a Tracking Algorithm that controls the flows of products, parts, raw materials and waste generated in the process;
- Direct Benefits
- Environmental Compliant Disposal Fair Trade Commodity Supply Chain
- Currency Ballast

No other system in the world can provide the same deep level of traceability with a easy interface;


Think Circular is a Digital Ecosystem based on a Software as a Service (SaaS), linked to an On Demand Market Place and a Multi- Sided Platform.
The monetisation, is based on our Traceability System and varies from type of operation, addressed customer, service model and deliverables, generating three different Revenue Streams:
1. Services
2. Transaction Fee
3. Big Data

The Cost structure is based in People (40%), Marketing (40%) and Technology (20%)

- Technology
One of the most important cost of the platform operation will be the technological tools, such as Salesforce Licenses, Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, Blockchain Technology for the Recycling Currency and etc.
The decision of the most suitable technology will be concentrated in the ones which gives us the flexibility to concentrate in the Core Business and the development of the Exponential tools such as Interfaces, Dashboards and Algorithms.

- Marketing
One of the highest costs of the Platform will be Marketing, which will be based in the Growth Hacking Method in order to achieve the Community & Crowd, generating engagement of all Stakeholders into the Massive Transformative Purpose of the Platform.

- People
The company team will be the smallest as possible, with high performance, agile and autonomous people concentrated in the core business of the company, driven by the results and the achievements of the goals. All other work will be outsourced, in accordance with the exponential strategy of “Staff on Demand”.

Business model

Think Circular is a Digital Ecosystem based on a Software as a Service (SaaS), linked to an On Demand Market Place and a Multi- Sided Platform.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing Strategy (Growth Hacking and Spin Selling)

- Awarness: Content Creation (Blog, Vídeos, Landing Pages, e-books, Web2Lead); E-mail Marketing and Advertising; Social Media Amplification; Push Notification; Word of Mouth.
- Findability: SEO (Mobile, Web, E-Commerce); Near Me; GPS; Etc.
- Reputation (Authority): Blogs and Articles; Reviews; Spontaneous Media (Marcus as Authority in the theme); Word of Mouth.
- Converstion: Pre-Sales (Situation, Problem, Implication, Need-Payoff); Sales (Benefits); Purchase; Converstion Algorithms (Selling Funil).
- Advocacy: UX; Write a Review; Social Post; Word of Mouth; Recycling Credit Use and Trade.

This Marketing Strategy will be used for the Ecosystem Sales Force, but also for each recycling partner, through the CRM tool provided, amplifying the Ecosystem Exponentially.

Money will be spent on

Marketing (40%)
Product Development (60%)

Offer for investor

US$ 2.0mi for 20% of the Company Shares


The biggest challenge of the ecosystem is the adoption of the Recycling ERP provided by the Electronics Recyclers, but this risk is mitigated by the Network effect generated by the increased Producers Adoption;

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Circular Brain is member of the PREVENT WASTE ALLIANCE:
A Project from the German Agency for International Collaboration, that contributes to minimising waste, eliminating pollutants and maximising the reuse of resources in the economy worldwide. Working together for waste prevention, collection, and recycling as well as the increased uptake of secondary resources in low- and middle-income countries. We focus on waste from plastic packaging and single use products as well as waste electrical and electronic equipment.


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Photo 2 - Mission:
Photo 3 - Mission:
Photo 4 - Mission:
Photo 5 - Mission:

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