Fully autonomous robotic surgery to become true

Market: Robotics, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Stage of the project: Idea or something is already done

Date of last change: 18.09.2020
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Robots can cut almost whatever materials into very imaginary shapes, but robots cannot operate human beings autonomously because lacking some critical components.
SurgeryVision will provide those lacking components in a surgery planning tool. Some of those already available (and in use by university hospitals), like opening medical images as a data and making surgery plan into the image. But some of those (like utilizing computer vision for detecting organs movements in live when operating those).

Current Status

SurgeryVision 2.0 is ready (released in 2019) and it is MDD, Class I,
Existing product is available in Europe, Middle-East ans South-East Asia.
We have distributirs 17 countries in those regions.
Product is in use at University hospitals, currently 3 paying customers.

SurgeryVision 3.0 estimated to get released in 2021 (including NVIDIA Clara AI)


Customers are medical clinics providing surgical services, especially the ones utilizing MRI / CT scans in surgery planning.

In US (330M population) there are ~10 000 ambulatory surgery clinics . -> 250 000 surgery clinics gobally.

Price of the currently available product (SurgeryVision 2.0) is ~2000€/month/clinic. This gives market size: 6B€/y.

With the fully functioning planning tool for autonomous robotic surgery the end customer price (very conservative estimation) will be ~20 000€/clinic/month, leading annual market size to become 60B€.

It is clear that this market is huge, thus attracting other players to get into this segment. Having even 5% market share means 3B€ annual sales.

Problem or Opportunity

Best surgeons operates only in most prestige hospitals, leading poor people having lower quality surgical services.

Operating theaters are available 24/7, but surgeons operating mainly 8/5.

Robots do not make failures and can provide equal quality surgery to everyone 24/7.

Despite great skills of Surgeons, they make surgical failures of which some are leading to wrongful death. What is the price of human life, what is the price of your life?

There are 310 000 000 patients annually going through the surgery and 50 000 000 of those suffers complications after the surgery.

In US only (population ~330M) there are 4000 patients injured (temporarily: 60% or permanently: 33%) or even dieing (7%) due to those surgical failures. These can be avoided by letting robots to operate human beings, robots do not make surgical failures.

Currently this autonomous robotic surgery is not possible because there is no solution by which the robots can get surgery planning instructions (as a data with coordinates to follow) and adapt that plan according to individually moving organs of each patient during the surgery (in live, with almost zero latency). But ADESANTE has a clear vision how this can be done and we already have a product for reducing those surgical failures, which is a first step towrds our vision "Zero surgical failures".

Solution (product or service)

Fully autonomous robotis surgery would make equal quality surgery services available to everyone and robots do not make mistakes.

Our vision is "Zero surgical failures" and this can be achieved by having an open (robot manufacturing independent) planning solution for that autonomous robotic surgery.

ADESANTE has a plan for solving the problem described above. Solving the problem requires reguires following features to be developed and technoligies to be taken into use:

1. Patient anatomy (both hard and soft tissues) as a data (CT & MRI scans merged together)

2. Surgery plan done (drawing routes for all instruments) directly into that merged image data, having anatomic coordinats on the image data.

3. Exchanging best practices (surgery plan providing best outcome) between surgeons.

4. Adapt that planning data according to position changes and moving organs in live surgery, by having latency close to zero.

Placing those three components into one product reguires following technologies taken into use:

- XR for making precise plan into the imaging data (in 3D stereoscopic format)
- AI for merging CT/MRI images together
- Computer Vision and AI for following surgeons hands and used instruments moves in the surgery.
- Computer Vision and AI for adapting medical imaging data according to organs moving in live surgery.
- Blockchain for secured exchange of the surgery plans
- 5G for reducing latency close to zero.
By this solution it will be possible to let robots operating human being autonomously, leading Zero surgical failures (


Currently there is no competitors in this.
Sure there will be.

Advantages or differentiators

Base system (SurgeryVision 2.0) is already in the market.
Having more users for the base system covers R&D costs and makes new module sales easier (already using our system).
Not device (robotics) dependent, available for all hospitals having robots in their use.


SurgeryVision is a sw only product having low deployment costs. It is old through the distributors.
R&D costs are ~5%
Deployment costs ~0%
Distributor fee ~30%
Leading 35% as COGS

Average end customer price for existing product (SurgeryVision 2.0) is ~2000€/month/clinic.
Full solution planned to cost (end customer price)~20 000€/month/clinic.
See market size analysis above.

Business model

Sales (and maintenance) through the distributors at the beginning.
When having strong foothold in the markets then turning business to direct sales for reducing COGS.
Subscription based sales (monthly fee/clinic), many hospitals have several clinics. Getting first clinic as a user smoothens the way to another clinics of the same hospital and hospital chain.
New features as additional modules, which could be upsold to existing customers (and new ones).

Money will be spent on

R&D (3M€) and for scaling up in selected regions (US 1,5M€, others 0,5M€)

Offer for investor

3M€, ~12% (equity) pre money valutaion.


Big players (like Philips, Medtronic, GE, etc.) will come to the market....but competition is welcome for increasing market awareness of this kind of opportunity.
Run out of cash before getting this ready, requires resources NOW, for keeping the advance we still have.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment


Won the competition and other awards

2020 Global Excellence Awards, 2020’s Award for Excellence in Innovation, Europe (by AI Global Media)

2020 5th most innovative product in ArabHealth 2020 (by Gulf News)
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