Photo - Exponential Digital Health

Exponential Digital Health

Kinceb: 100% digital clinic with virtual therapists

Market: Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Mobile applications
Stage of the project: Operating business

Date of last change: 21.09.2020
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We created Kinceb, the first 100% Digital Clinic, obsessed with delivering a new experience in health with Telemedicine, Telerehabilitation, Virtual Therapists (Kaenz and Kaibaz), Medical and Technological Devices, in a simple, safe and in the comfort of your home, without transfers. Connecting the community of 256 digital health startups in Chile, led by Asdisal, empowering the ecosystem of scientifically-technological companies from Chile to the world, with a highly scalable and collaborative strategy.

Current Status

We have experience in creating virtual therapists, before the pandemic we developed Kaenz, the first virtual aquatic therapist, which we applied in more than 700 sessions in 4 Aquatic Centers and residential pools, in people with different diseases or health conditions (obesity, cancer, osteoarthritis, body aches, hypertension, diabetes, pregnant and post-surgery); even with children with disabilities, in the swimming pool of the Instituto Teletón Santiago. They pay us 90 USD for 8 monthly sessions. Being the immediate impacts, a feeling of relief with energies recharged by endorphins, serotonins and dopamines that are stimulated with this exercise methodology. Obtaining integral benefits by reducing 3 kilograms of fat (the same as liposuction), 95% of pain and improving quality of life, treating various diseases in the same therapy, putting the patient at the center.
In addition, we launched an advertising campaign for a month on our website (, achieving a list of 356 people interested in using virtual therapists in their homes, mainly from Spain, Mexico, Chile and Argentina. Also, with a B2B2C approach, Walmart, BCI and Sura are interested for their workers, increasing productivity and work well-being.
Finally, since 2019 we created Asdisal, with an active community of 256 startups with a scientific-technological base in digital health in Chile, which will integrate their value proposals in Kinceb, the first 100% Digital Clinic, promoting the Chilean healthtech ecosystem towards the world.


Professionals immigrant and digital natives with health problems, such as body aches, tiredness, stress, obesity and various illnesses, that generate absenteeism, medical licenses and low productivity, who wish to access health services and products, in a simple, safe and the comfort of your home, without transfers, valuing your time.

The Total Addresable Market (TAM) is 68B in direct costs for health and productivity, derived from sedentary lifestyle affecting 2,000 million people in the world, of which with our business model we can reach 13.6B (SAM), for Therefore, applying our commercial and scaling strategy, during the next 36 months we can capture 2.7B (SOM), impacting 80 million people.

Problem or Opportunity

$68B is lost each year in health and productivity due to physical inactivity. In addition, the WHO indicates that 60% of the world population is sedentary, causing health problems for 2,000 million people, such as body aches, tiredness, stress, obesity and various diseases, generating absenteeism, medical leave and low productivity. These data are prior to the arrival of the pandemic, which have been intensified by quarantine and telework, negatively impacting people on a psychological, physical and work level (Lancet, 2020). Finally, companies concerned about the well-being and health of their employees are up to 4 times more productive, according to the Global Talent Trends 2020 report.

Solution (product or service)

We created Kinceb, the first 100% Digital Clinic, obsessed with delivering a new experience in health with Telemedicine, Telerehabilitation, Virtual Therapists (Kaenz and Kaibaz), Medical and Technological Devices, in a simple, safe and in the comfort of your home, without transfers. Connecting the community of 256 digital health startups in Chile, led by Asdisal, empowering the ecosystem of scientifically-technological companies from Chile to the world, with a highly scalable and collaborative strategy.


There are general apps for home physical activity, based on videos and also more innovative platforms for physical exercises that use immersive lenses, such as VR FIT (; Black Box (; StriVR (; BitGym (; KineQuantum ( and Inmotion VR (, however, do not use mixed reality, gamification, nutritional advice, health approach, and habit change. On the other hand, there is the Habits app (, which is aimed at the same segment of B2B clients (human talent manager), with the aim of increasing productivity, as well as that Biwel (, a platform with different services.
On the other hand, to eliminate health problems, derived from a sedentary lifestyle, there are several services of health professionals (surgeries, medications and therapies) in clinics, hospitals, medical centers and at home, with high costs, poor results and low adherence.
Finally, global clinics are appearing globally, but they focus only on telemedicine and telerehabilitation, without the value propositions we have to really disrupt health, providing greater efficiency, access and coverage to improve health, through exponential technologies.

Advantages or differentiators

We have 4 differentiating attributes: 1) 100% Digital Clinic with the integration of 256 digital health startups with a scientific-technological base, providing efficiency, access and coverage to improve health, using exponential technologies. 2) Platforms with virtual therapists, based on machine learning, mixed reality, gamification and interoperable with health systems (FHIR). 3) Innovative exercise methodology, based on Clinical Reasoning, Training Principles and Prescription of Physical Exercise, validated with +700 sessions in people with different ages and health conditions (pregnancy, obesity, chronic diseases and body aches, in the water), digitized in software. 4) Triple impact, because when performing Kaenz or Kaibaz, they improve the well-being and healthy habits of workers, helping the environment with their products (ecodesign and circular economy).


To use the virtual therapists (Kaenz or Kaibaz), the equipment must be purchased on the website or at the Digital Clinic (Kinceb) for an initial payment of $149 and $19 respectively, including shipping home with Amazon logistics and then subscribe for $29 or $15 monthly, with unlimited use. This innovation is within the legal framework of Telerehabilitation with free choice Fonasa codes, reimbursing for public or private members. Finally, we charge a 12% commission for each transaction, generated in Kinceb.

Business model

Our LinkedIn B2B strategy allows us to focus on decision makers in health insurers (public and private) and companies interested in improving the health and productivity of their workers, having access to a large volume of users, integrating them to Kinceb, the first 100% Digital Clinic and interoperate with Health Systems, through international standards such as HL7/FHIR. On the other hand, to reach clients who wish to use virtual therapists, telemedicine, telerehabilitation, medical devices, pharmacy and digital laboratory, we build a community, which shares our massive transformative purpose "Activate healthy people anywhere", using automated processes of marketing, knowing the entire customer journey online (email, social networks and search engines) and offline (multi-channel), delivering the appropriate message in the right place and time, centrally, to finally redirect them to our website (www.kinceb .com) and there they buy the services and products of the Asdisal community (+220 startups in digital health in Chile), with a city-by-city strategy saturating nodes and generating liquidity, through inbound marketing and referrals, enhancing collaboration, networks and Strategic Alliances.

Money will be spent on

The resources will be spent on: Human Resources (25%); Operating Expenses (40%); Investment Expenses (25%) and Administration Expenses (10%); for team salaries, R + D + i activities and intellectual property, necessary for the development, prototyping and validation of new products and technological processes. Also, in investment when implementing marketing strategies (Instagram Ads, Adwords & Remarketing), artificial intelligence (Watson from IBM), cloud expenses for websites and Kinceb App (AWS).

Offer for investor

10% of Equity.

Team or Management


1) Commercial Risks: The main uncertainty is to maximize liquidity, reaching a dominant position in the global ecosystem and attract enough people with health problems, derived from sedentary lifestyle, willing to experience Kaenz and have a place to do it.

Mitigation strategy to address them: It’s solved by focusing on the real problems of people and learning from them, through continuous experimentation with our platform, facilitating the availability to exercise, seeking security, confidence, effectiveness and cost/benefit ratio, within an exponential business model, repeatable, profitable and internationally scalable.

2) Environmental Risks: Annually, tons of waste are generated that pollute the air, water and land of our planet, generating dire environmental impacts (climate change).

Mitigation strategy to address them: We have created a strategy of "Circular Economy" and "Ecodesign" in the products, which increase durability, hygiene and do not generate waste.

3) Regulatory Risks: The regulation of virtual therapists does not exist and Artificial Intelligence in health is incipient, therefore, there are no codes that classify it and determine its role in the field of digital health.

Mitigation strategy to address them: It is only a matter of time that these disruptive technologies are regulated, being accelerated by this Covid-19 pandemic, for example, recently in Chile, it incorporated new Fonasa codes, for telerehabilitation.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment

Finalists of several incubation and acceleration programs: Jump Chile (Universidad Católica de Chile); Entrepreneur of the Year (Association of Entrepreneurs of Chile ASECH); Her Global Impact (Singularity University); Rocket Lab (Incuba UC); Innovation Factory (Hub Providencia); Global Entrepreneur Program (IBM-Watson); SharK Tank, Investment Readiness Program (INACAP Incubator and VC Dadneo); Igniter: International Startup Conference “Invest in Future”, Stanford Entrepreneurs & Silicon Valley Founders; Startup Jerusalem for innovations in digital health (Embassy of Israel in Chile); Falling Walls Lab; Innomarathon SAP; GIST (Global Innovation through Science and Technology) Apec Catalyst Pitch Competition; OpenBeauchef (Accelerator of the University of Chile; Technological Entrepreneurship Tournaments in Digital Health CENS Tech Challenge; Smart Salud (Corfo, Ministry of Health and InterSystems); IA Health, "Health Innovation, training technological capabilities to improve health" (CTD de CORFO and UAI); selected as a disruptive company in the Innovation Lab (Exponential Medicine of the Singularity University, the largest Congress on Digital Health in the world); Innovatón, a technological challenge for telerehabilitation (Fundación Teletón, Claro, Huawei and the Innovation Center Finally, this 2020, we were selected for the Silicon Valley “Manos Accelerator and Launchpad” accelerator; Know Hub Ignition (University of California at Riverside); Company Builder Pacific Alliance, to create Exponential Organizations; HealthTech Builders Lab (Endeavor and Roche); Online Seedstars World Competition and Women Stempreneurs Competition.

Now we better understand the problems of our clients, we validate hypotheses, we strengthen our business model, we develop our technology, we generate networks, we acquire skills and abilities in global, disruptive and scalable ventures in the digital health industry.

Won the competition and other awards

- Third place in Igniter: International Startup Conference in Silicon Valley (October 2018).
- Finalists in the two Corfo Technology Health tournaments (Cens Tech Challenge and Smart Health Challenge) (April-November 2019).
- Third place in the Scientific Congress "Make Health Chile", organized by Cens and MIT (June 2019).
- We are awarded 20,000 USD for Seed Initiate of Corfo with the Sponsorship of Open Beauchef (September 2019).
- We represent Chile in GIST (Global Innovation through Science and Technology) Apec Catalyst Pitch Competition (October 2019).
- Selected in the IA Health Tournament, “Health Innovation, forming technological capacities to improve health” (CTFO of CORFO and UAI) (October-December 2019).
- Selected as a disruptive company in the Innovation Lab, Exponential Medicine of the Singularity University, the largest Congress on Digital Health in the world (November 2019).


Our secret sauce is our interoperable patentable platform of virtual therapists, which according to the Technical Cooperation Program (PCT) of the International Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the United States allow patenting (App algorithm system, Kit and exercise methodology ). On the other hand, we have registered in INAPI our 5 Brands (Kinceb, Kaenz, Kaibaz, Asdisal and Leviapool), Copyrights for the content of the Blog and all rights reserved for the websites (; www.;; and In addition, we received specialized advice with strategic partners from our sponsor Open Beauchef from the University of Chile, led by Lorena Donoso (Master in Computer Science and Law with 15 years of experience as legal advisor to companies and startups in the field of technology contracting, intellectual property and due diligence processes), including advice on technology transfer by Know Hub Ignition (University of California at Riverside), Company Builder of the Pacific Alliance and VAIP (Vigilancia & Asesoría Intellectual Property), member of ELAPI.


Photo 1 - Kinceb: 100% digital clinic with virtual therapists
Photo 2 - Kinceb: 100% digital clinic with virtual therapists

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