A platform for content and projects creators.

Market: Internet and IT, Information and media
Stage of the project: Prototype or product is ready

Date of last change: 25.06.2020
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appreciate-me is built to support a large category of people, starting with Creators, Innovators, Entrepreneurs and unites all interests for a better purpose. Besides individual Charity causes, appreciate-me aims to offer extra chances to those in need by developing a new approach on charity.

Current Status

We have developed the platform which is in beta version and we are currently working on developing the user base and align with regional regulations.
We need a small seed investment to launch the platform and get traction.


The reward-crowdfunding market is worth ~€ 5.5 billion and growing (Mainly Kickstarter and Indiegogo). In 2019 alone there were € 265 mil. raised.
Due the changing crowdfunding environment, the demand of the original crowdfunding concept is raising.
On Patreon there are over 192 000 active creators (40% growth between June 2019 and June 2020).
The market shows great demand for monetization concepts.

Problem or Opportunity

Reward-Crowdfunding platforms deviated from the original concept and they became selling platforms. They are facing issues of transparency/veracity
The content creators do not earn sufficient money and the partnerships with YouTube/TikTok/Instagram are very hard to get.
To earn money, some of the creators moved to Patreon but they must create premium content and grow a new audience on this new platform. Also, the content can be accessed only by subscriptions.
Content consumers don't have to many options to support their favorites at their free will.
The existing platforms don’t provide options for both crowdfunding campaigns creators and content creators.
Charity platforms may have transparency issues.

Solution (product or service)

For Creatives:

- Appreciate-me is a simple solution to earn money (be appreciated) without having to migrate their audience, force their followers into subscriptions or create extra content.
- Through their work, they can support their preferred charities

For crowdfunding Projects:
- We offer great exposure and trust (as the campaign owners are verified)
- Within their project, they can support their preferred charities
- Original reward-crowdfunding concept with unhindered chances to reach the goal

For Charity:
- Ultra-efficient approach by introducing the Charity Fund.
- The Charity Fund is doubling the chances for a Charity to raise the entire amount needed
- Greater exposure by being able to raise money from Creatives and Projects, from the Charity Fund or directly from the Charity Campaign page


Over 180 000 successful projects
5 % commission
$25 mil. per year estimated revenue
18 million bakers
Average donation is 80.4 $ | 71.75 €
Most common donation $25 | € 22.31
Second most common donation: $50 | € 44.62
Success rate 37%


Over 150 000 successful projects
7000 Live campaigns
5 % commission
11 million bakers
$ 10 mil. per year estimated revenue
Average donation per user is 145 $ | € 129.4
Success rate 19%


Over 3 million active patrons
5 – 12 % commission
Over 192 000 active creators (40% growth between June 2019 and June 2020)
Annually average donation: $166 | € 148
Monthly average donation: $ 13.88 | € 12.37
$ 25 million overall estimated revenue

Advantages or differentiators

For Creatives:

- Appreciate-me is a simple solution to earn money (be appreciated) without having to migrate their audience, force their followers into subscriptions or create extra content.
- Through their work, they can support their preferred charities

For crowdfunding Projects:
- We offer great exposure and trust (as the campaign owners are verified)
- Within their project, they can support their preferred charities
- Original reward-crowdfunding concept with unhindered chances to reach the goal

For Charity:
- Ultra-efficient approach by introducing the Charity Fund.
- The Charity Fund is doubling the chances for a Charity to raise the entire amount needed
- Greater exposure by being able to raise money from Creatives and Projects, from the Charity Fund or directly from the Charity Campaign page


- Transparency - people can see at all times the amount raised in Charity Fund
- Good user interface
- Users and charity campaigns are verified to reduce the risk of scams
- Both projects and individual raising money tool
- Not a niche business concept
- Engages communities to collaborate for a better purpose
- The company aims to make the world better by changing the meaning of "appreciation".
- Our revenue is equal or less than the amount raised in Charity Fund
- Many partnership prospects
- Lots of development opportunities
- Multiple revenue streams
- Focus on user experience


Following our 5% commission/transaction model, we have different revenue targets in accordance to four marketing plans, as described below:

- 77.000 registered users from which 3.850 are productive raising an average of 2.000 EUR/month will result in company earnings of 385.000 EUR Monthly and 3.465.000 EUR Annually
- 124.000 registered users from which 6200 are productive raising an average of 2.000 EUR/month will result in company earnings of 620.000 EUR Monthly and 5.580.000 EUR Annually
- 187.000 registered users from which 7.480 are productive raising an average of 2.000 EUR/month will result in company earnings of 748.000 EUR Monthly and 6.732.000 Annually
- 516.000 registered users from which 20.640 are productive raising an average of 2.000 EUR/month will result in company earnings of 2.064.000 EUR Monthly and 18.576.000 Anually

*all the above estimates are based on the Marketing Plan provided by our partner. The potential of the organic growth was not taken into consideration for these calculations.
*we only took 9/12 months into consideration, by excluding the first three months.
*we calculated the above estimated earnings by considering that 5% of our users will be productive. We were advised by our Marketing Partners that ~10% of our users will be productive.

Business model

We apply a 5% commission on each transaction made on the platform and 0% commission for Charity.
According to our Marketing plan, we are estimating a revenue of 3.5 mil. EUR in the first year.
Additional revenue streams include newsletters (up to 1 mil. EUR/year in revenue) and "Coming soon" section (up to 600.000 EUR/year in revenue).
We are planning to develop a digital wallet that will allow our users to make transaction with their raised funds on the platform and avoid paying fess to the payment processor. Also, our user will be able to top-up their balance/wallet.
They can use their money from their wallet to pay services such as Coming Soon, Newsletter

Money will be spent on

Salaries for 12 months – 13/14 members:
IT team
Customer service team
Accounting team
Data validation team
Management team

Marketing through alternative channels

Headquarter and workplace

Online and offline identity

Terms of use, Data Privacy, GDPR, Contracts

Laptops, Monitors, Wireless Routers, Printers, Scanners etc.

Offer for investor

We are currently looking for an initial investment that can evaluate our company to 1.5 - 2 million EUR in exchange of 5-10%.

Team or Management


The main risks that we are facing are represented by lack of funding that could result in majors delays in launching the platform and fail or not gaining enough traction.

Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment


Won the competition and other awards

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Offer for investor
Team or Management
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Incubation/Acceleration programs accomplishment
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